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Environment + Energy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6926 - 6950 of 7556 articles

Habitat of the Eastern Curlew along its migratory pathway in east Asia is rapidly being reclaimed for development. Dean Ingwersen

The numbers are in: Australia must do more to protect migratory birds

Australia is a signed up member of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and a strong supporter of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Both these global programs are trying to reduce the rate…
Emissions spiked, thanks to more intensive energy use. Louis Vest

The emissions rebound after the GFC: why greenhouse gases went up in 2010

Recessions are not the way to permanently cut greenhouse gas emissions. Global emissions surged during 2010, cancelling out the reductions from the global financial crisis (GFC). Emissions took off in…
A trading coalition would help Indonesia meet its emissions-reduction targets. World Resources

Building carbon markets with our nearest neighbours

International carbon markets are on the nose in some quarters. From some on the left they are seen as a cheap way to absolve polluters’ sins without having a real impact on reducing emissions. From some…
Species have trouble getting around without landscape-scale corridors. Michael Dawes

Why a carbon tax for wildlife corridors is a good idea

In the 1980s, ecologists were locked in a debate about how best to preserve biodiversity. Which, they asked, was better: a single large reserve, or several small reserves? The debate was never resolved…
The giants of mining are moving towards the unmanned extraction of the earth’s resources. AAP/EPA/Christian Sprogoe

Robots, red dust, and the future of mining towns

Automation and remote operation are set to transform Australian mining. It makes sense: automation can address labour shortages as the industry expands, reduce costs and improve productivity, health and…
The long-term warming trend has not changed. Guillaume Brialon

State of the Climate 2012

Australia’s land and oceans have continued to warm in response to rising CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. This is the headline finding in the State of the Climate 2012, an updated summary…

Correcting errors in public debate

In August last year I wrote an article in The Conversation, titled Drowning out the truth about the Great Barrier Reef. Several weeks ago News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt emailed me to object to a brief…
Honeybees are important pollinators, but not the only ones. BugMan50

Honeybee decline warrants concern, but not panic

In many countries there has been concern about a decline in honeybees. You may have even heard that honeybees face dangers so dire that their imminent decline threatens world food production, with potential…
Climate change is coming - do we plan to just carry on regardless? AAP

We can’t prevent climate change, so what should we do?

When thinking of the challenges we face in responding to climate change, it is time to admit that our political focus has been fairly narrow: limiting emissions and moving beyond carbon-based energy systems…
The carpet of sludge and debris left by 2011’s tsunami wreaked havoc on paddyfields. AAP

Swamped with saltwater: what a tsunami does to rice farmers

Japan’s tsunami of March 11 2011 brought a wall of water laden with debris up to 5 kilometres inland from the sea. After the surge receded, the surrounding farming area was left covered in debris and a…
We should be investigating all options if we’re serious about reducing emissions. saturdave/Flickr

Don’t dismiss nuclear, whatever the political difficulties

Australia aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 5% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 (compared with 2000 levels). This will be achieved by substituting renewable energy and gas for coal and adopting carbon capture…
When it comes to addressing climate change, the Green Climate Fund falls drastically short. AAP

Forget Kyoto – climate bonds will drive the green revolution

If no-one argues against the proposition that it was capitalism that created the global warming problem, then no one can argue that it must therefore be capitalism that will solve the problem. But how…
Sending the same message to everyone at once is an old-fashioned approach. Boston Public Library

Australians need more than one message on the carbon tax

The Federal Government is once again hitting difficulties in communicating its carbon pricing proposal, with polling finding Australians don’t like the word carbon. The government is reconsidering its…
Set the controls for the heart of the sun: recycled, programmable timber shutters on the City of Melbourne’s CH2 building. City of Melbourne

Intelligent design: time to wise up and build for the climate

There may be no belching smoke stacks to be seen, but every time we thoughtlessly put up a poorly designed structure or resort to energy-intensive solutions to cool, heat, and operate an inefficient building…
Australia’s revised dietary guidelines must consider environmental sustainability. Wonderlane

Climate change and obesity – eating for the health of the planet

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is currently revising the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Yet, despite expert advice from public health and environmental sustainability groups…
“Amateur enthusiast”: Tim Flannery with Greg Combet, the Federal Minister for Climate Change. AAP/Alan Porritt

Climate and floods: Flannery is no expert, but neither are the experts

Few Australians can be unaware of yet another summer season where widespread floods are covering large areas of eastern Australia. As with last year’s summer deluge, this year’s rainfall is directly caused…