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The problem with the This Girl Can campaign is that the male gaze remains dominant, internalised as self-perception. This Girl Can/Sport England

This Girl Can(‘t)? Campaign simply reworks 'sex sells’ approach

While getting more women to take part in sport is a laudable achievement, it would be better if the campaign also helped free them from the objectification of the dominant male gaze.
Technology has provided both sex workers and their clients greater mobility and anonymity, opening sex work up to new markets. Shutterstock

Technology drives the need to rethink sex work industry regulations

The car, the phone and the internet have changed the way the sex work industry operates, but debates about regulation have not advanced with new technologies.
Women’s immune systems mount a significantly stronger response against invaders. wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Man flu is real, but women get more autoimmune diseases and allergies

Women have evolved to have stronger immunity than men. But this comes with downsides - women are more likely to have autoimmune diseases due to their “reactive” immune systems.
Melbourne’s ambitions to be a ‘20-minute city’ aren’t likely to be achieved by its recently updated planning strategy. Nils Versemann /

A 20-minute city sounds good, but becoming one is a huge challenge

While many talk about 30-minute cities, some aim for residents to be able to get to most services within 20 minutes. But cities like Melbourne have an awful lot of work to do to achieve their goal.
Decriminalisation allowed sex workers to step out of the shadows and into active participation in public life. Scarlett Alliance/Author provided

The right to bare arms: the history of Australian sex worker activism

Full decriminalisation of sex work is advocated by many health and human rights organisations around the world. Sex workers in New South Wales kick-started the process 40 years ago.