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New IPCC report shows Australia is at real risk from climate change, with impacts worsening, future risks high, and wide-ranging adaptation needed

We are no longer in typical conditions. Climate change is already damaging human and natural systems we hold dear in Australia.
Fiona Goodall/Getty Images

IPCC report: this decade is critical for adapting to inevitable climate change impacts and rising costs

As the impacts and costs of climate change increase over time, New Zealand’s financial systems could become less stable and the government less able to support those affected.
Michael Tewelde/WFP via AP

Mass starvation, extinctions, disasters: the new IPCC report’s grim predictions, and why adaptation efforts are falling behind

The IPCC is the global authority on climate change. Their new report paints a worrying picture of climate impacts already affecting billions of people, economies and the environment.
The first three winners of the Stella Prize, at the 2015 ceremony. Left to right: Clare Wright (2014, The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka), inaugural winner Carrie Tiffany (2013, Mateship with Birds) and Emily Bitto (2015, The Strays). The Stella Prize, Connor Tomas O'Brien

Indigenous voices, #MeToo and disrupting genre: how the tenth Stella longlist reflects its mission of creating change

As conversations about literary representation evolve, so does the Stella Prize. Five of the 12 authors on the tenth Stella Prize longlist are Indigenous, one is non-binary, and genre is in the mix.