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Articles on Cybersecurity

Displaying 481 - 500 of 692 articles

Defence Minister Marise Payne inherited a draft of the defence white paper last year, but wanted to put her own stamp on it. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Defence white paper: an extra $29.9 billion spending over a decade

The defence white paper will pledge an additional $29.9 billion in defence spending over the coming decade and support for businesses to innovate in areas such as cyber security and aeronautics.
Cyberwarfare is a threat that is anonymous, hard to trace and hard to defend against. Keyboard image via

Cyberwar is here to stay

The openness of the Internet gives an advantage to attackers – but what constitutes an act of war in the electronic world?
Apple CEO Tim Cook standing firm. EPA/Monica Davey

Why Apple is making a stand against the FBI

Apple is pushing back against the FBI’s order to decrypt the iPhone of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook for the sake of privacy and security.
Federal computer systems are under near-constant attack from hackers and cyberthieves. Is our information protected well enough? Colin

Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it

Federal networks need stronger cybersecurity measures than most organizations, but have not yet gotten the budget or staffing commitments that would protect them properly.
Western governments are threatening to undermine the encryption that keeps our online communications private. Shutterstock

Governments undermining encryption will do more harm than good

An open letter signed by security experts from around the world is calling on governments to protect encryption rather than undermine it in a quixotic attempt to tackle terrorism.
Phishing is a growing problem across Africa. South Africa has the highest number of victims. shutterstock

What South Africa is doing to make a dent in cyber crime

Cyber security has been identified as a global challenge, with Africa facing renewed threats through increasing internet use across many platforms.

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