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Articles on Decision making

Displaying 101 - 120 of 136 articles

It’s important to get the research across to and understood by decision-makers. Shutterstock/

Listen up: a plan to help scientists get their research heard by decision-makers

Research comes with risk and uncertainty so getting the right message across to the people who matter can be a challenge for scientists. A new plan out today hopes to change that.
It takes more than protest: demonstrators at a 2012 climate change conference in Doha, Qatar. Omar Chatriwala/flickr

Playing ‘serious games,’ adults learn to solve thorny real-world problems

How can diverse societies agree on strategies for tackling complex problems? Lawrence Susskind and Ella Kim of MIT explain how role-playing games can help people learn to collaborate.
Some argue that morality is everywhere, or maybe nowhere, in our brain. Martin Deutsch/Flickr

Is there a moral centre in our brain?

There’s no single region in the brain responsible for all moral decision making. But neuroscience research has shown specific brain regions are involved when we’re faced with moral dilemmas.
Biomedical science has made our lives immeasurably better, but it’s time to accept that too much medicine can be as harmful as too little. Kathea Pinto/Flickr

We’re overdosing on medicine – it’s time to embrace life’s uncertainty

By forgetting that medicine postpones death rather than saving lives, we persuade ourselves it might somehow keep extending our life and come to view death as a failure of medicine.
A male bonobo who likely holds some irrational biases when it comes to economic decision-making. Christopher Krupenye

Apes make irrational economic decisions – that includes you

Just the other day I found myself in the waiting room of an automotive dealership. While my car was being serviced, I flipped through a product brochure. One ad for an oil change boasted that it would…

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