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Articles on Emmanuel Macron

Displaying 41 - 60 of 243 articles

Protesters wave French trade union CGT flags during a rally called by French trade unions against the government pension reform plan in Marseille, southern France, on January 19, 2023. Nicolas Tucat/AFP

Pension reform in France: Macron and demonstrators resume epic tussle begun over 30 years ago

French citizens have protested pension reform for the past 30 years. A historian explains why the evolving power struggle between the streets and the state does not bode well for today’s strikers.
Co-author of this article, Chief Ninawa, hereditary Chief of the Huni Kui Indigenous people of the Amazon, holds a sign that says: ‘Amazon is life, petroleum and gas is death’ outside a hotel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

Views from COP27: How the climate conference could confront colonialism by centring Indigenous rights

A different future will not be possible without reverence, respect, reciprocity and responsibility towards the Earth. On this issue, Indigenous Peoples have a lot to share.
President Emmanuel Macron (G) et Umaro Sissoco Embalo, president du Guinée Bissau (D). Photo by Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images

Macron en Afrique : un revirement cynique pour réparer les préjudices liés au passé colonial tout en gardant une mainmise sur le continent

Les récentes visites de Macron en Afrique racontent une histoire de la France qui fait acte de repentance pour ses crimes coloniaux tout en essayant de conserver son influence héritée du colonialisme.
Members of the Levica party march on a government building during a protest in Skopje, North Macedonia, on July 6, 2022. Thousands of people marched for several nights after French President Emmanuel Macron announced a proposal to enable the country’s admission into the EU that many North Macedonians find controversial. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski)

Why North Macedonia is the European Union’s latest self-inflicted wound

The EU is creating resentment in North Macedonia over its feud with Bulgaria. In the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war, it will only serve to benefit Russia in its efforts to undermine the EU.
French Education and Youth Minister Pap Ndiaye speaks during a press conference following a weekly cabinet meeting at the Elysée Palace in Paris on June 14, 2022. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Appointment of Pap Ndiaye as education minister highlights ‘woke’ debate in France

Considered a pioneer of “Black Studies à la française”, Ndiaye’s appointment comes at a time when issues in race and gender have divided the French political class and public opinion.
A man goes to the polling booth in Le Touquet for the second round of the legislative election on 19 June 2022. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Parliamentary elections shock France’s political order to its core

The results of the second round resulted in a historic record of seats for the RN and an even greater polarisation of political life within the National Assembly itself.
DNA is a trove of personal information that can be hard to keep track of and protect. Boris Zhitkov/Moment via Getty Images

Genetic paparazzi are right around the corner, and courts aren’t ready to confront the legal quagmire of DNA theft

Both Macron and Madonna have expressed concerns about genetic privacy. As DNA collection and sequencing becomes increasingly commonplace, what may seem paranoid may instead be prescient.
Speaking in Strasbourg on 9 May, Emmanuel Macron called on the “democratic European nations adhering to our core values” to “find a new area of political cooperation, security and cooperation”. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Debate: What ‘European political community’ do we need now?

Inspired by François Mitterrand’s idea of a European confederation, French president Emmanuel Macron has outlined the idea of a political body that would be separate from the EU.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, listens during a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron after their talks in early February 2022 in Moscow on escalating tensions with Ukraine. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus, Pool)

Why Emmanuel Macron’s peace efforts with Vladimir Putin are probably pointless

New research on diplomacy and backroom bargaining suggests diplomatic efforts are unlikely to be successful with Vladimir Putin. That’s why Emmanuel Macron’s diplomacy attempts aren’t working.

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