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Articles on Games

Displaying 81 - 88 of 88 articles

Pokémon Go players gather in Union Square in New York, USA. EPA/Justin Lane

What’s made Pokémon GO such a viral success?

Augmented reality games have been around for more than a decade, so what was it about Pokémon GO that allowed it to become a global phenomenon?
Chris, Tim, Lachlan and Emma travelled to the University of Queensland’s Great Court to play Pokemon Go. Daniel Angus

Pokemon GO gets people out and about, and that’s a good thing

The Pokemon GO craze has transformed a generation of gamers who admit they would otherwise be inside watching TV, surfing the internet, or playing console games.
Classic Mega Man … storytelling gets inventive when your main character can’t speak. Brian Talbot

Explainer: the art of video game writing

Writers are vital to today’s increasingly story-driven video games. Readers are active players and everything in the game – from the environment to the rules – can shape the narrative.

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