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Articles on Genetics

Displaying 161 - 180 of 663 articles

A humorous message about actor Tom Hanks at the closed Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix amid the coronavirus pandemic. Ethan Miller/Getty Images

How to use precision medicine to personalize COVID-19 treatment according to the patient’s genes

Precision medicine is often touted as the future of medicine. But so far, it hasn’t been helpful in the war against COVID-19. Here is how it could be used to tease apart the nuances of the disease.
A man with ALS uses a head-mounted laser pointer to communicate with his wife, by pointing to letters and words on a communication board. Fezcat via

ALS scientific breakthrough: Diabetes drug metformin shows promise in mouse study for a common type of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a crippling, progressive neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. Now it seems that a diabetes drug may help some cases.
The relationship between the coronavirus and human genetics is murky. fatido/E+ via Getty Images

Your genes could determine whether the coronavirus puts you in the hospital – and we’re starting to unravel which ones matter

Researchers from Oregon Health and Science University found that variations in genes that code for parts of the cellular alarm system might play a role in how well people fight off COVID-19.
There are many ways to make a vaccine. In a time of crisis, the more paths towards success the better. Adriana Duduleanu / EyeEm via Getty Images

Labs are experimenting with new – but unproven – methods to create a coronavirus vaccine fast

Under pressure to develop a coronavirus vaccine, researchers have turned to protein synthesis, genetics and hybrid viruses. It is likely a mix of these approaches will be used to fight the coronavirus.

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