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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 961 - 980 of 1032 articles

Rather than an unfortunate but unavoidable side effect of economic advance, increased inequality that results from rent-seeking is arguably cancerous. Flickr/Gary Sauer-Thompson

This budget - like others before - will favour the rent-seekers

Our policy-makers know perfectly well how to reduce inequality and tackle political favouritism. The question is, will this federal budget even try?
Attendants wait to serve delegates with water during the opening of the annual full session of the National People’s Congress, the country’s parliament, at Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, March 5, 2015. Jason Lee/Reuters

Inequality in China and the impact on women’s rights

Once China claimed to lead the way in equality for women. Today, women are warned they will be “leftovers” if they don’t produce children.
‘Fairness’ tops Bill Shorten’s policy agenda for the Labor Party, so it’s time we defined what’s fair and what isn’t. Paul Miller/AAP

‘Fairness test’ not so fair when it stalls policy debate

If every policy decision must pass the ‘fairness test’, will Australia end up making unfair decisions?
Mixed-income developments replace Chicago’s Cabrini-Green Homes: Old Town Village West townhouses rise in front of the last remaining towers (since demolished) in this 2009 photograph.

Mixed income public housing: mixed outcomes, mixed-up concept

For decades, public housing stood as the most architecturally visible and politically stigmatized reminder of urban poverty in many American cities. Originally built to accommodate an upwardly mobile segment…
We need to bear a few things in mind before we listen too closely to Oxfam. Christian Guthier

Oxfam should beware idealistic solutions to complex problems

Oxfam is making what might appear to be a manifestly sound moral case when it urges political leaders at the global economic conference at Davos to adopt particular policies to reduce economic inequality…
Elite retreat. World Economic Forum

Davos delegates don’t care about inequality or your debt

The world’s rich and powerful are gathering for the World Economic Forum at the Swiss ski resort of Davos to discuss, and hopefully find solutions to, the world’s economic and social problems. The 45th…
Shifting the tax burden to wage earners in the middle is a costly and outdated approach to tax reform. Dave Hunt/AAP

Expanding the GST would hit the ‘middle’ and women the hardest

Many developed economies have experienced a significant increase in inequality in recent decades. Survey data for Australia show that the share of the top 10% of the income distribution, and more markedly…
Zed Seselja led government members of the Senate inquiry in dissenting from its findings on the impacts of inequality in Australia. AAP/Alan Porritt

Senate report shows why Australia needs to talk about inequality

Bridging our growing divide: Inequality in Australia is an important report tabled without fanfare in the Senate by its Community Affairs References Committee. The report is clearly argued and well-buttressed…
Protestors have been rallying for a “living wage” across the country in recent years, including at this one last month in Washington. Reuters

It’s time we revived FDR’s ‘wages of a decent living’

A noxious combination of falling wages, income inequality at its highest since the 1920s and a growing low-wage sector has caused the ranks of the working poor to swell to more than 47 million. That’s…
Activists dressed as musicians and wearing masks depicting leaders of the members of the G7 protest against wealth inequality in Brussels in June. Reuters

The wealthy suffer from an ‘empathy gap’ with the poor that is feeding a rise in inequality

Wealth and income inequality have many causes, and it’s pretty much beyond dispute that any well-functioning capitalist society will have some degree of disparity between the richest and the poorest. It’s…

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