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Articles on Mental illness

Displaying 181 - 200 of 316 articles

Claire Danes as CIA agent Carrie Mathison in Homeland: in one episode, she stops taking her medication in order to solve the puzzle of who is attempting to kill her. Teakwood Lane Productions, Cherry Pie Productions, Keshet Broadcasting

Friday essay: TV’s troubling storylines for characters with a mental illness

A spate of recent TV shows feature protagonists whose mental health condition gives them special skills. But these are often accessed by rejecting medication.
Rosa and Alan Duarte at a vigil Oct. 2, 2017 in Las Vegas for the victims of the Las Vegas shootings. AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Why restoring morale is important to mental health in difficult times

Terrorism, confusion and fear are leaving many feeling demoralized. While not quite on the level of depression, demoralization is still something to pay attention to. Here are some ways to do that.
A director of a supportive housing center in Bronx, New York, talks with a resident and case worker in December 2015. Bebeto Matthews/AP

How funding to house mentally ill, homeless is a financial gain, not drain

About one in three homeless people has a significant mental illness. Providing housing for them has proved to be a boost not only to them and their communities, but also to budgets. Here’s why.

How better definitions of mental disorders could aid diagnosis and treatment

There is typically no fever, no broken bone, no lesion to examine under a microscope when evaluating mental illness. Diagnosing disorders therefore is hard. A new way to classify disorders could help.
A study has for the first time provided a detailed profile of who mental health carers are and what they do. Rachel Young/Flickr

Here’s how much it would cost the government to pay everyone who takes care of family with mental illness

A new study has for first time placed a dollar value on how much it would cost the government to replace those who unofficially care for family members with mental illness.
The threat of Centrelink debt is one more stressor on already vulnerable people. from

Centrelink debt debacle is bad policy for mental health

The controversial Centrelink debt recovery system is bad news for the mental health of the disadvantaged and vulnerable people it targets.
A makeshift memorial for the Sandy Hook victims on the first anniversary of the massacre. Robert F. Bukaty/AP

Why ‘thoughts and prayers’ after mass shootings fall short

Even after 26 children and teachers were killed four years ago today at Sandy Hook, more mass shootings by disturbed white men and boys have occurred. Ignoring this crisis has severe consequences.
In his new memoir ‘Born to Run,’ Bruce Springsteen details his lifelong battle with depression. Norsk Telegrambyra AS/Reuters

Why Bruce Springsteen’s depression revelation matters

With stigma about mental illness still pervasive, The Boss’ frank admission helps shatter some of the most common stereotypes about depression.
Time spent weeding, potting and pruning can be as good for the gardener as it is for the garden. Image from

The science is in: gardening is good for you

A growing body of research literature suggests time spent gardening is as good for the gardener as it is for the garden.
Until 2013, laws in every Australian state and territory allowed people to be forced to have psychiatric treatment even if they competently refused it. from

Should we be forcing people with severe mental illness to have treatment they don’t want?

Until 2013, Australian state and territory laws allowed forcing people into psychiatric treatment if it was thought necessary to protect them from serious harm – even if they competently refused it.

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