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Articles on Muslims

Displaying 161 - 180 of 274 articles

New research shows Muslims are more negatively portrayed in the media than other groups. AAP/Lukas Coch

Racist reporting still rife in Australian media

New research reveals that about half of opinion pieces in mainstream newspapers and television are so racist they potentially breach industry codes of conduct.
Mubin Shaikh, a Toronto-born de-radicalization expert, speaks during a counter-terrorism event in Germany in May 2015. U.S. Army

De-radicalization can work for former ISIS fighters

No country is immune to terrorism, but de-radicalizing people who have been attracted to terrorist organizations like ISIS can work.
A memorial for the victims of the shooting at Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church, including 25 white chairs painted with a cross and and rose, is displayed in the Texas church. A man opened fire inside the church yet his attack has not been labelled terrorism. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

The debate over what constitutes terrorism

White men routinely gun down innocent victims in mass shootings in the United States. Yet they are not branded terrorists the way Muslims who commit violent acts are. Why not?
A client whose hair she had been cutting for 20 years came in as usual, and then, without any prompting or preamble, launched into a tirade against Muslims. Shutterstock

The Hanson effect: how hate seeps in and damages us all

In a suburban hair salon, a Muslim woman suddenly feels unwelcome in the country she has loved for 40 years.
A 1932 photograph showing the minaret of the Great Mosque of al-Nuri, Mosul. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

On Yom Kippur, remembering Mosul’s rich and diverse past

As Mosul rebuilds, its history is a reminder that people of many faiths lived in cooperation in the city. In the city was the Tomb of Prophet Jonah, venerated by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.
Rally against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority nations. AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

How Muslim Americans are fighting Islamophobia and securing their civil rights

New survey data show that Muslim Americans are the most negatively perceived religious group in the US and are often victims of Islamophobic attacks. How are they responding? By getting organized.
Muslims start the hajj by circling the Kaaba, the black, cube-shaped house of God. UmmSqueaky

Explaining the Muslim pilgrimage of hajj

Each year, Muslims from all over the world go on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, known as hajj. A scholar explains its spiritual significance.
What’s the role of faith in service? European Commission DG ECHO

How religion motivates people to give and serve

Religious values, deeply rooted in texts, serve as an important motivator for giving. Religious Americans volunteer more, give more, and give more often.
People fleeing on bullock carts as mass migration happened during the partition. AP Photo

The road to India’s partition

At midnight on August 15, 1947, India achieved freedom from more than two centuries of colonial rule. Hours earlier, Pakistan was declared a new nation. Was partition inevitable?

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