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Parenting – Analysis and Comment

From ‘Father Knows Best’ to ‘D'oh!’ Scott Vandehey/flickr

Why are sitcom dads still so inept?

Dads are taking parenting much more seriously. But according to a study of sitcoms, the stereotype of the foolish father remains stubbornly in place.
Work and family, without good childcare, are mutually exclusive. Getty/Malte Mueller

Without child care, work and family are impossible

A scholar and mother of a young child who is now working at home explores what’s called the ‘work-family conflict’ – and finds that’s the wrong label for the impossible choices faced by parents.
Students without computers are having a rougher time with the new normal. damircudic/Getty Images

Not all kids have computers – and they’re being left behind with schools closed by the coronavirus

This real-time snapshot of the digital divide illustrates why education experts are concerned that school closures could increase achievement gaps.
All families need to establish a new normal. Craig F. Walker/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

4 good practices for anyone caring for quarantined kids

A family therapist and childhood development expert encourages parents and others raising kids to focus on the 4 R’s: routines, rules, relationships and rituals.
Knowing when — and when not — to react to a child’s behaviour is a helpful strategy during the stressful time that comes with the coronavirus pandemic. (Shutterstock)

Try these 8 tips to reduce parenting stress during the coronavirus pandemic

Family stress can go through the roof when managing social isolation or pandemic anxiety. A researcher of parent-child relationships offers practical tips to make time together more enjoyable.