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Articles on Workforce

Displaying 1 - 20 of 93 articles

Remote work, which began as a temporary disruption to normal work, has become permanent for many workers since the onset of the pandemic. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

The shift to working from home will be difficult to reverse

The biggest obstacle to getting everyone back into the workplace is the fact that people who are working from home seem to be doing better — or at least no worse — than those who are not.
Penny for your thoughts? Randy Faris/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Want more good ideas from your workers? Try giving them a reward – and a choice

A recent study found that offering workers a choice of what type of reward they would like for offering good suggestions increased the volume of submissions and their creativity too.
With geographic proximity no longer being a precondition of employment, the 2020s could see a shift in jobs being parcelled out to the best and most affordable talent, regardless of location. (Shutterstock)

Ahead of the game or falling behind? Canada’s readiness for a borderless, global workforce

A shift towards a more distributed, borderless global workforce will not necessarily lead to job losses for Canada, but it will be disruptive and require restructuring in the labour market.
It’s been two years since corporations jumped on the diversity bandwagon after the tragic murder of George Floyd. They spoke about anti-Black racism and asserted their solidarity but promises are different than action. (Christina Wocintechchat/Unsplash)

Why corporate diversity statements are backfiring — Podcast

Corporations may have amped up their diversity statements, but their promises to promote anti-racist cultures without action plans can lead to greater blocks to success for racialized employees.

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