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Articles sur Economic growth

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Our current trajectory suggests that the world system will realise a decline in living standards. Image sourced from

Reaching its limits: can the global economy keep growing?

In 1972 a group of scientists, known collectively as the Club of Rome, constructed a detailed mathematical model to test whether population growth and economic development could continue indefinitely and…
Trouble brewing for China? Eugene Hoshiko/AP

Timid reforms won’t save China from major growth crunch

China’s rapid economic growth, and the development of Shanghai, Chongqing, and Shenzen into modern metropolises, might easily give observers the sense of a successful country, full of confidence. Clearly…
Green shoots don’t become tall trees without long-term nurture. Skotkin

Growth based on consumption is only short-term relief

The Office for National Statistics has issued the welcome news that UK GDP rose 0.8% from July to September this year. This is the fastest rate of increase in the past three years and is the third consecutive…

Economic growth and low carbon can coexist

Economic growth can continue while CO2 emissions are reduced says a new study conducted by the Energy Futures Lab and Grantham…
What is the future of Australian productivity and investment after the mining boom? AAP/Christian Sprogoe

After the boom: where will growth come from?

Where will jobs and growth come from after the mining boom? This is the fundamental question facing the next Australian government, whose success will depend to a great extent on how it addresses this…
EU politicians get to grips with the latest science. European Union, 2013

Using small business to turn science into EU growth

When we think of cutting-edge innovation, we tend to think of big corporations and their latest wheezes: Google Glass, Sony flat screens or Airbus’s newest plane. But small businesses play key roles in…
Osborne: coming after an extra £11.5bn from departmental expenditure. PA

Spending review 2013: a triumph of politics over reason

The spending review is a strange beast. Invented by Gordon Brown, it would normally cover 3 to 4 years instead of a single year – but this one is aimed at 2015-16. Chancellor George Osborne’s 2010 Review…
Buying power doesn’t always stack up as the best measurement for who we are and how far we’ve come. Shutterstock/ MaleWitch

More pie in the sky - economic progress no slice of life

In the verbal volley between Gillard and Abbott, Swan and Hockey, there is a conversation that we are not hearing. It bubbles below the consciousness of mainstream Australia, a conversation that is old…
Time to start building, George. Lefteris Pitarakis/PA

IMF no longer BFF for Osborne

The International Monetary Fund’s annual investigation into the health of the UK economy makes ugly reading. The IMF points out that “per capita income remains 6% below its pre-crisis peak, making this…
Speed is not enough, we need growth. Gareth Fuller/PA

Planes and trains can deliver the growth the IMF wants

The International Monetary Fund’s annual report on the UK economy calls for the Chancellor to boost economic growth through investing in infrastructure. While the IMF is right to make this point, we must…
The world is definitely a mess, but women aren’t the ones to blame. AAP Image

We are destroying the joint

Without really knowing what he was saying, Alan Jones was right – we are “destroying the joint”. Any dispassionate assessment of the state of “the joint”, both the corner we occupy and the planet as a…
Federal treasurer Wayne Swan said the National Accounts figures released today showed the Australian economy was doing better than every other major advanced economy. AAP/Alan Porritt

National economy grows but some non-mining states in recession

The Australian economy grew 0.6% last quarter but Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT are now technically in recession, according to new Australian Bureau of Statistics data. The new figures…
Blanket Burmese School.

Shopping for change this Christmas

Four-year-old Ar Zin stared at my bag. He knew there was something special inside. The classroom full of 30 Burmese refugee children was so hushed that I could each child’s breath, and Ar Zin’s eyes followed…
Warnings of a drop in Australia’s real GDP per capita - a measure of living standards - still provide a stark contrast to Greece, where the real GDP per capita is likely to be 25% lower in 2013 than in 2008. AAP

Do dire warnings of falling living standards add up to need for tax reform?

Last week, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in a preliminary version of its 2012 Economic Outlook lowered its growth forecasts for Australia from 3.7% to 3.0% in 2013. This…
We’re banking on business as usual to solve our environmental problems, but we’re likely to be disappointed. Tony.../Flickr

The carbon tax: markets won’t deliver necessary emission cuts

Australia will introduce a carbon tax on Sunday at A$23 per tonne of carbon. In 2015, an emissions trading scheme (ETS) will replace the tax. The aim is to cut Australian greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions…
Highly processed and fattening but very tasty and easy to get food is partly responsible for the obesogenic environment. Toban Black

What’s economic growth got to do with expanding waistlines?

OBESE NATION: It’s time to admit it - Australia is becoming an obese nation. This series looks at how this has happened and more importantly, what we can do to stop the obesity epidemic. Today we look…

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