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Articles sur Higher education policy

Affichage de 161 à 180 de 215 articles

The sandstone universities have come out in support of fee deregulation, but their support is based on misguided beliefs. AAP

Three misguided beliefs of the Group of Eight universities

The Abbott government’s proposals for reform of the higher education sector have not found much favour with students, academics or the general public. They have, however, had a good deal of support from…
Tertiary education has great benefits for the individuals, and also for society. Shutterstock

University a worthwhile investment for individuals and society: OECD

Tertiary education graduates across the OECD earn on average 70% more than the non-tertiary educated, meaning despite rising costs of higher education in Australia the investment is still worthwhile. The…
Who owns the university after the crash? simononly

After the crash, who owns the British university in 2014?

By international standards, British universities have extraordinarily high levels of autonomy. They control all of their assets, they employ their own staff, renew their own leadership and governors and…
Fee deregulation mightn’t be ideal, but it’s the best option we have given underfunding of the higher education sector. AAP

Higher education – how did we get to here?

For years the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee - and then Universities Australia - warned higher education in Australia was moving inexorably towards a tipping point. Without substantial increases…
Should we put a cap on uni fees? Shutterstock

Which cap fits? Putting a ceiling on university fees

In all of the debate about the government’s plans for higher education, what people seem to worry about most is the prospect of ballooning student fees, with predictions of A$100,000 degrees or more. So…
Gough Whitlam’s free university didn’t greatly improve access for students from low socio-economic backgrounds, but if Pyne thinks his reforms will, he’s badly mistaken. Flickr/Gostalgia

Maybe free university didn’t improve access for all, but neither will fee deregulation

Education Minister Christopher Pyne defied historical orthodoxy last week by declaring Gough Whitlam’s free tertiary education a failure. Free education only helped reinforce the place of the rich, Pyne…
Universities have other options rather than just raising fees to astronomical levels. Flickr/Philip Nordmeyer

Fee deregulation is not the only answer for universities

Debate begins this week on the higher education bill introduced to parliament last week. If political bartering can result in some sort of compromise, there is potential for the higher education sector…
The higher education bill opens up government subsidies to anyone who can call themselves a university. But can anyone call themselves a university? AAP

Bill opens door to putting private and public universities on same footing

There’s a devil lurking in the detail of the higher education reform bill presented to parliament. As expected, the bill, introduced yesterday, proposes to open Commonwealth subsidies for undergraduate…

Where to now for the Higher Education bill?

This morning the government revealed the details of the higher education reform package it is taking to parliament. As anticipated, the legislation closely mirrors the announcement on budget night. There…
Christopher Pyne’s education “reforms” have been wildly unpopular, and he hasn’t been very successful in winning people over. Why? AAP

Politics 101: why Pyne has failed to sell his education ‘reforms’

No. And with that, Clive Palmer indicated that the populist Palmer United Party (PUP) would not support the federal government’s proposed deregulation of the tertiary education system. At least in its…
Access denied, for some higher education colleges. UK passport via xdrew/Shutterstock

Cost of student visa clampdown weighs heavily on colleges

The British government’s recent decision to suspend the licences of one university and 57 private further education colleges to sponsor international students has generated shockwaves across the sector…
We’ll be able to do this all over again. Chris Ison/PA Wire

Student loans should be for life, say universities

Students should be given a lifetime loan allocation that they can use for different undergraduate and postgraduate courses, according to new proposals put forward by a group of universities. The University…
Spreading growth around. The_Virgo/Paul Callan

Deploy universities to fix England’s regional divide

Imbalances in the share of growth across the regions continue to be deep-rooted, the Office of National Statistics has confirmed. By 2012, the South East was the only region that had only just crept ahead…
In the new uncapped fee environment, there seems little to stop door-to-door sellers targeting the ill-informed. Image sourced from

Uncapping education fees and unleashing the unscrupulous

The federal budget proposal to uncap university fees could be taken as a blank chequebook for both universities and self-accrediting colleges offering higher education services. On the ABC’s 7.30 program…
University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Stephen Parker says the Kemp-Norton review into the demand-driven system has wider ramifications for higher education. Supplied

Letting the market rip will suck the soul out of universities

I honestly don’t know the full range of opinion among Australian vice-chancellors about the recommendations in the recent Kemp-Norton Report on the Demand Driven System. I know the opinions of some, who…

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