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Articles sur Immigration

Affichage de 1081 à 1100 de 1180 articles

Planning a NExit: Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders. EPA/Koen van Weel

EU election: pragmatic Dutch aproach means ‘NExit’ unlikely

Elections for the European Parliament in the Netherlands have traditionally been described as either “dull” or “extremely dull”. They were overshadowed by national elections in 1989 and 1994, and in 1999…
Developing policies to shape the level and nature of future population change must go beyond the ‘big’ versus ‘small’ Australia dichotomy. AAP/David Crosling

The state of Australia: our people

In the lead-up to the budget, the story of crisis has been hammered home, but there’s more to a country than its structural deficit. So how is Australia doing overall? In this special series, ten writers…
So, whose flag is this? Justin Warner

Cornish pasties must be added to the UK citizenship test

The UK government has agreed to extend protected minority status to the Cornish – a status already granted to Scots, Welsh and Irish. This will require the government and public bodies to factor in the…
Harsh immigration policy makes it hard to stop abuse of migrant children. Richard Scott/PA

A rethink is needed on how to handle trafficked and migrant children

Over the past few years, policy-makers, academics and practitioners have paid more and more attention to children who are trafficked into and within the UK. But while children are trafficked for various…
Maybe the Left should take a leaf out of farage’s book on immigration. Ben Birchall/PA Wire

Immigration should get the same treatment as laissez-faire economics

The theoretical underpinning of the modern global economy has broken loose. The so-called Washington consensus based on neoclassical, laissez-faire economics has encountered a sustained challenge from…
No brainer. Funding for the Human Brain Project is secure until 2016. Ars Electronica

What Swiss migrant referendum means for future of EU research

In a referendum on 9 February, the Swiss population voted against mass immigration. That outcome will have far-reaching consequences on the position of Switzerland in European research cooperation. As…
Long arm of the law reaches onto campus. Anna Gowthorpe/PA Archive

University lecturers must remain educators, not border guards

The increasingly stringent control of student migration by the Home Office is damaging both the integrity of our relationships as teachers with students and the future of our universities. It was for this…
Night of excess - which is unlike the Swiss. AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus

Swiss vote for cap on migrants has government tied in knots

Like many others, including Christoph Blocher – the de facto leader of the Yes campaign – I was surprised by the result of Switzerland’s February 9 vote on stopping “mass immigration”. Polls suggested…
I don’t want to be a care worker when I grow up. DFID - UK Department for International Development

Zimbabwean graduate migrants are more than just ‘British bottom cleaners’

Zimbabwean migrants to Britain are often referred to by those at home as being the BBC – British bottom cleaners – fit only for the most menial roles in the former colonial “mother country”. But our research…
That’s a “fail” in the immigration minister’s knowledge test then, Mark. PA Wire

Immigration ministers need to know more about immigrants

Mark Harper MP was a junior minister making a name for himself. He oversaw the publication of the government’s controversial “Life in the United Kingdom” citizenship test – likened to “a bad pub quiz…
Bordering on fiction: the immigration debate has drifted away from reality. PA

Big gap between rhetoric and facts in immigration debate

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, veteran Conservative minister Ken Clarke argued that immigration has contributed positively and significantly to the economy, and that EU free movement is…
Join the queue. Michel Spingler/AP

Support for strict immigration controls hits record high

Support among the British public for a sharp reduction in immigration has risen by close to 10% over the past two years to reach an all-time high, according to the latest results from a long-running survey…

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