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Articles sur Music

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 1124 articles

Katy Perry’s new song and music video for ‘Women’s World’ attempts to communicate a feminist message, but stumbles in its execution. (Capitol Record)

Why Katy Perry’s attempt at satire in ‘Women’s World’ missed the mark

Rather than offering authenticity and inviting her fans into her life, Katy Perry’s latest single reproduces and in fact exaggerates the same persona that fuelled her earlier success.
Members of the al-Basra band play music in Basra, southern Iraq. The city boasts a rich musical heritage with several traditional styles. (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani)

How drums tell the story of Black Arab heritage

Music, like other facets of culture, provides a window into the histories and heritage of different regions and peoples.

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