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Articles sur Software

Affichage de 61 à 74 de 74 articles

OS X Yosemite will be available this autumn. Apple

Bumper Apple package brings devices closer than ever

Apple has set developers in a frenzy with an overwhelming spread of software updates, unveiled at its Worldwide Developers Conference. The new releases include updates for its desktop operating system…
Windows 8 made sense in theory, but in reality has failed to hit the mark. Justin Lane/AAP

Windows 8 and Microsoft’s missed mobile moment

To say that Microsoft is struggling at the moment is an understatement. The search for a new CEO is not going well, Microsoft mobile phones are still failing to capture any significant mind and market…
Microsoft is running out of temptations to sell Office software to consumers. Sunfox/Flickr

Apple takes on Microsoft, but Google still the master of ‘free’

With the release of new iPads and Mac hardware, Apple announced that not only would the latest version of the Mac OS, Mavericks, be free, but it would also be giving away its iWork office productivity…
Slimmed down before the Christmas binge. Apple’s latest iPads.

Slim iPad and new hardware show Apple can still innovate

Is it time to reappraise the idea that Apple is incapable of innovation in the post Jobs era? The company has failed to introduce a game changing consumer device since the iPad but its latest range contains…
Don’t fork out hundreds of dollars for products you can get cheaper – or for free. amysphere

Software is officially a rip-off in Australia – so what can you do?

It’s official: Australia isn’t the “lucky country” in the IT sector. Consumers, government and industry down under are charged typically 50% more for software and hardware compared to their American counterparts…
Software is taken for granted, but remember it allows you to make full use of the hardware. Museum of Science, Boston

Cough up money for software or fall behind in science ranks

Scientific infrastructure is big news. The Large Hadron Collider, based at CERN, has been a success not just in the field of particle physics, but as a scientific cultural icon. The UK wants a piece of…
Getting the right information, in the right format, can be the difference between life and death. Fox News Insider

Disasters happen, but software shouldn’t be one of them

Imagine you’re a disaster manager and a large earthquake has just struck off the Australian coast. You know that part of the Australian coastline is about to be inundated by a tsunami but you need more…
Companies want you in their “ecosystem” – make no mistake – so should governments offer more protection? TF28 ❘

Smash the machine: digital monopolies have trapped you

The business model of many modern technology companies is to lure people into digital monopolies (or what are sometimes called “ecosystems”) from whence ridiculous profits can be gouged. You see, the internet…
Software patenting was a fringe activity for the first 20 years of the software industry. opensourceway

Do patents create software innovation? Computer says no

What would the software industry look like without patents? It’s a question worth asking in the context of Apple’s recent body blow to Samsung, which will see Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 kept off Australian…

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