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Articles sur The Conversation France

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The aurora borealis is just one of the effects of space weather on Earth. Photograph of the aurora taken in 2021 at Skibotn (Norway). Elisa Robert and Mathieu Barthélemy/Université Grenoble Alpes

How solar storms play havoc with our lives

The Sun gives us light, warmth and, occasionally, tans. But our star also experiences crises and storms that can have very real repercussions on everyday life.
Shipping containers are the face of global commerce today. Chris D 2006/Flickr

Maritime commerce and climate change: how effective would a carbon tax on shipping be?

Decarbonising shipping is more urgent than ever. But is a carbon tax the best way to achieve this? Wouldn’t it increase inequalities without sufficiently reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Practising sport in a polluted environment can expose you to elements that are hazardous to health. RossHelen/Shutterstock

How air pollution can affect athletes

Sports activities can expose you to pollutants that are hazardous to your health.
In France’s Drôme region, new wind turbines contrast with the aging Tricastin nuclear power plant, build in the early 1980s. Jeanne Menjoulet/Wikimedia

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Climate modelling wields huge influence on governments and investors’ decisions. Yet, researchers point out a lack of precision.
Manifestation de jeunes activistes pour le climat à la COP27 de Charm el-Cheikh en novembre 2022. Fayez Nureldine/AFP

Climate: can young activists still sway the outcome of COP negotiations?

Since the major demonstrations organised in Madrid (COP25) and Glasgow (COP26), young people seem to have less and less of a voice at the UN’s major climate conferences. Why?
According to figures from the Virage survey (2015), in the course of their lives, 3.9% of the men surveyed had experienced sexual violence, compared with 14.5% of women. Pexels

#MeTooGarçons: ‘In France, 80% of violent acts against men affect those under 18’

As #Metoo continues to unfurl in France, men are now also speaking up against abuse they experienced. The Conversation sat down with the country’s first sociologist researching this phenomenon.
Artist’s conception of what a structure to support floating mangroves would look like. Aptum Architecture/CEMEX

Ocean forests: how ‘floating’ mangroves could provide a broad range of ecological and social benefits

Mangrove forests are shrinking due to human activities, yet they’re essential for shoreline protection and carbon sequestration. Ongoing research explores the concept of “floating” mangrove forests.

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