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Articles sur Unemployment

Affichage de 581 à 600 de 681 articles

Unused cooling towers overlooking an informal settlement in Soweto. A new study suggests that poverty in South Africa is actually higher than the figures usually quoted. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

How current measures underestimate the level of poverty in South Africa

A review of South Africa’s methodology to measure poverty shows that 60% of people in the country are poor. This is way higher than the figures that are usually quoted.
Unemployment is the main concern for about half of South Africa’s poor population while the other half is concerned about low earnings or the poor quality of work. Reuters/Jon Herskovitz

How high unemployment has eclipsed the plight of South Africa’s working poor

One in five workers in South Africa is poor. The plight of the working poor has wide implications. Employers have a responsibility to ensure a minimum level of decent wages.
There are a lot fewer workers on the assembly line today. And it’s not just car manufacturing that has seen jobs lost to automation. Ford Europe/Flickr

How to guard your career against rapid technological change

If you leaving school today to embark on a career, what should you study to protect your job from automation and outsourcing?
New thinking the way to job creation for people in the 21st century. Flickr/Tim Robinson

We need new jobs as the machines do more of our work

The more we automate jobs, the more we need to find new jobs for people, especially if the government wants us to stay in the workforce longer. That’s going to take some clever thinking.
Treasurer Joe Hockey must weigh all aspects of Australia’s economy in his budget. AAP/Lukas Coch

Budget explainer: the forces influencing Australia’s economy

As we head into the federal budget tonight, all eyes will be on how the Coalition government might tackle some challenging economic data affecting Australia’s economy.
It might become a great engineer, but will unlikely be a very good social worker. Marc Palumbo/Flickr

More STEM education won’t protect our jobs from robots

More STEM education isn’t a bad thing, but if we want to safeguard our jobs from being taken by machines, we need more emphasis on the humanities.

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