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Articles sur Vitamin D

Affichage de 41 à 60 de 65 articles

While nutrient supplementation can have a role in treating certain psychiatric disorders, all kinds of nutrients should, in the first instance, be consumed as part of a balanced wholefood diet. PROPatrick Feller/Flickr

Health Check: seven nutrients important for mental health – and where to find them

A growing body of research points to the detrimental effect of unhealthy diets and the protective value of healthy diets – along with select nutritional supplements as required – for maintaining and promoting mental health.
Allergies are becoming more frequent in the western world. Al Fed/Flickr

What are allergies and why are we getting more of them?

Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless. But we don’t yet have a cure or the ability to prevent them from developing.
Aim to get a few minutes of summer sun each morning or afternoon. ArTono/Shutterstock

How to protect your skin while getting enough vitamin D

It’s been more than 30 years since Sid Seagull first urged us to slip, slop and slap while out in the sun. But while we’ve made enormous progress fighting skin cancer, melanomas are still the fourth most…
The amount of sun exposure and associated vitamin D production is believed to underlie the geographical gradient in multiple sclerosis prevalance. Thomas Abbs/Flickr

Explainer: multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease affecting almost 25,000 Australians and more than 2.4 million people worldwide. It’s one of the leading causes of disability in young adults. Typically, the…
Many people struggle to balance the facts that too much sun exposure results in skin cancer and too little causes vitamin D deficiency. August Allen/Flickr

Should you be worried about getting enough vitamin D?

With daylight saving ending yesterday across most of the country and winter approaching, Australians are moving from fears of too much sun exposure resulting in skin cancer to too little sun exposure and…
If your levels are a little low, ten minutes of mid-morning or mid-afternoon sunshine could get you back to normal. Image from

My vitamin D levels are low, should I take a supplement?

If your blood test results suggest you’re low on vitamin D, you’re not alone – nearly one-third of the Australian population isn’t getting enough of the sunshine vitamin. But this doesn’t necessarily mean…
Diet and a little bit of sun can give us vitamin D. Julian Colton

Vitamin D needed to fight comeback of childhood rickets

For most people, our standard diet provides all the necessary vitamins we need. However, childhood vitamin D deficiency in the UK – something that should be a headline from the distant past – has made…
Even if sunscreen is applied very thickly, vitamin D production is reduced but not stopped. Shutterstock

Six things you need to know about your vitamin D levels

Vitamin D has emerged as “the vitamin of the decade”, with a long and growing list of maladies supposedly caused through its absence or prevented through its bountiful supply. But is there adequate evidence…
There are sensible ways to sunbathe that allow for protection against skin cancer as well as helping you get enough vitamin D. Phil Hatchard

There’s a very simple solution to your lack of vitamin D

Despite living in a famously sunny country, we’ve been getting reports of widespread vitamin D deficiency for some time now. The solution to this problem is simply the judicious use of a plentiful, if…

Using vitamin D in pre-diabetic teens

Researchers have trialled vitamin D supplements as a means of managing blood sugar in obese teenagers. The study compared…
Experts have said the new study does not demonstrate a causal link between low Vitamin D levels and pregnancy problems. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Experts urge caution on new pregnancy and vitamin D study

Australian experts are urging caution over a new study that suggests a link between insufficient vitamin D and pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and lower birth weight in…

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