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Samuel Zeif, an 18-year-old senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., cries after speaking during a listening session with President Donald Trump in Washington on Feb. 21, 2018. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Trump, guns and the warnings of history

What are we to make of a society in which young children have a greater sense of moral courage and social responsibility than the zombie adults who make the laws that fail to protect them?
Volunteers work on a Habitat for Humanity site in Winnipeg in July 2017. Building homes for the disadvantaged is the type of ‘learning through service’ that will stand university grads in better stead with employers. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods

Why learning from experience is the educational wave of the future

Employers now expect to hire people out of universities who don’t require any training. That’s why so-called experiential learning is becoming so critical for university students.
Australian cross country skier Phil Bellingham takes a selfie during a welcoming ceremony at the Pyeongchang Olympic Village ahead of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

The selfie Olympics: What’s the impact of social media on performance?

What harm could a simple Tweet possibly have on the performance of an Olympian? More than you might think. Social media can be a distraction that impacts the performance of some athletes.
Social media has become a place of vitriolic myths about Indigenous peoples in the wake of the Gerald Stanley trial for the killing of Colten Boushie. Here, a vigil in support of Colten Boushie’s family on Feb. 13, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

Social media full of vitriolic myths in the aftermath of the Stanley trial

Social media posts since Gerald Stanley’s acquittal have been saturated with vitriolic rants and myths. If reconciliation is to be more than an aspiration, settlers must acknowledge our culpability.
People protest gun violence outside the White House on Feb. 19 following the latest mass school shooting, this one in Florida. Like the teens and children who showed up at the White House and elsewhere to protest, Americans must rediscover themselves as a revolutionary people who are not afraid to start over. (Shutterstock)

U.S. gun violence is a symptom of a long historical problem

Proposals for gun control run into vehement opposition from many Americans who, for deep historical reasons of race and revolution, continue to claim the right to use deadly force.
Investment in AI research is growing in Canada, but there’s little thought about ethics, privacy and governance issues. (Shutterstock)

Here’s how Canada can be a global leader in ethical AI

Canada has a clear choice. Either it embraces the potential of being a leader in responsible AI, or it risks legitimating a race to the bottom where ethics, inequity and justice are absent.
The theme at the core of Rowling’s wizarding world speaks directly to a universal human reality: The struggle to come to terms with our mortality. Shutterstock

Harry Potter and the surprisingly poignant literary theme

We may think of Harry Potter as escapist delight, but J.K. Rowling’s books also contain an extended theme that has more in common with King Lear than most English professors might care to admit.
‘Biomusic’ technology collects autonomic nervous system signals, such as heart rate, through a wearable sensor and maps them to sound. (Shutterstock)

How we can design the music of our emotions

Imagine a collaboratively-designed smartphone app that could provide cues to an autistic individual – about the emotional state of people they are communicating with.
U.S. President Donald Trump points to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he welcomes him to the White House in Washington, D.C. in October 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canada’s merit-based immigration system is no ‘magic bullet’

Canada’s experience shows that selecting immigrants based on economic merit is not a silver bullet; finding the “right” immigrants is the only the first step.
Olympic gold medallists Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir of Canada are artists on ice, but behind their performance is years of training to be mentally tough during competition. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

How Olympians train their brains to become mentally tough

For any athlete to deliver a gold medal performance, mental toughness is an essential ingredient. But what exactly is mental toughness — and how does an athlete develop it?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in an eye-dotting ceremony to awaken the lion as he is given a tour of the Chen Clan Academy in Guangzhou, China in December 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canada-China trade deal: Is Ottawa selling out our democratic values?

A high-ranking Chinese official was reportedly just in Canada getting China-Canada trade talks back on track. If true, that means Canada is blithely selling out liberal values.
Indigenous, LGBT, Black and refugee youth are among the groups that are at a greater risk of cyberbullying than others. But youth can also be powerful agents of change. Clarke Sanders/Unsplash

Don’t be a bystander: Five steps to fight cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has become destructive and feels unstoppable. Here is a five-step technique for dealing with it.
Research shows that children are less likely to cyberbully others if they believe that the adults in their life would punish them for it. (Shutterstock)

Cyberbullying: Four steps to protect your kids

Research shows that parents play the most important role in prevention of cyberbullying. Here are four ways they can step up for their kids.
In this 2005 photo, Rattan Singh Kalsi shows a photograph of his daughter, Indira, at a meeting with families of the victims of the 1985 Air India bombing. (CP PHOTO/Aaron Harris)

Canada’s troubling indifference to the Air India bombing

When preparing for a course, a McMaster University professor found an alarming lack of knowledge among Canadians about the Air India bombing of 1985. Why the startling indifference from Canadians?
Parents can teach empathy by connecting behaviours to feelings when they talk to their kids, to help them understand cause and effect. (Shutterstock)

Three strategies to promote empathy in children

Empathy in children can be fostered. Researchers offer three strategies for parents and other caregivers to promote a climate of empathy in the home or classroom.
Ontario Conservative leadership candidate Patrick Brown addresses supporters in Toronto on Feb. 18. The former party leader resigned his position after sexual misconduct allegations, only to re-enter the race for his vacated position after refuting the allegations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Chaos and confusion for Ontario’s Conservatives

The Ontario PCs are reeling from the fallout of Patrick Brown’s removal as leader in January and his subsequent return to the leadership race. Can the party pull it together in time for the June vote?
Nathan Chen of the United States, considered a gold medal contender, falls while performing during the men’s short program figure skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Why Olympic athletes ‘choke’ at the Winter Games

Why can an athlete dominate their sport, but fail to perform when it counts most at the Olympic Games? A number of factors the viewing audience can’t see can explain poor performances.
Members of a North Korean delegation cheer while holding the unified Korea flag at the pairs figure skating free program at the Pyeonchang Winter Olympics on Feb. 15, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

North Korean Sport Diplomacy: The Olympic event where everyone loses

The International Olympic Committee has banished dopers from the Winter Games. Shame it hasn’t treated North Korea, a noted human rights violator, with the same resolve.
People gather in Edmonton during a rally in response to Gerald Stanley’s acquittal in the shooting death of Colten Boushie. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Broken system: Why is a quarter of Canada’s prison population Indigenous?

Colten Boushie’s death and the subsequent acquittal of his killer has fuelled loud calls for reforms to Canada’s criminal justice system and its treatment of the Indigenous. Why has it taken so long?
A man walks through a greenhouse in October 2017 at a learning centre in Uganda where sustainable agriculture techniques, such as drought-resistant crops and tree planting, are taught. (AP Photo/Adelle Kalakouti)

Science, politics and the quest to secure Africa’s sustainable food future

At present on the African continent, the politics of persuasion are especially consequential in the area of agri-food research and development.
Indigenous community members are doing the work to situate Colten Boushie’s life and death within the colonial context, answering not if race was a factor, but how and why. Colten Boushie’s brother, Jace Boushie, looks on during a media event at the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs office after a jury delivered a verdict of not guilty in the trial of Gerald Stanley. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Liam Richards

Stanley trial highlights colonialism of Canadian media

What can the events surrounding Colten Boushie’s death, the trial verdict and its media coverage tell us about the role of journalism and journalists in relation to Indigenous concerns in Canada?
Governments in countries such as Mexico and the United Kingdom have responded to the over-consumption of refined sugar with a “sugar tax;” Canada lags behind. (Unsplash/Neven Krcmarek)

Just how bad is all that sugar for your heart?

Too much refined sugar in your diet is not just a risk factor for obesity and diabetes, it also increases your chances of heart disease.