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A one-size-fits-all approach to mental health does not speak to the diversity of Canada’s immigrant population. Here a man participates in a mass meditation on the lawn of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, in September 2017. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)

Let’s Talk about culturally sensitive treatments for depression

As Bell Let’s Talk Day approaches, we profile mental health experts practicing culturally sensitive treatments for depression and anxiety among Canada’s immigrant, refugee and Indigenous communities.
Migrants from Somalia cross into Canada from the United States by walking down a train track towards Emerson, Manitoba in February 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods

Electronically monitoring migrants treats them like criminals

Electronically monitoring migrants and refugees may seem like a humane alternative to detention, but it’s rife with problems and still criminalizes would-be immigrants.
A 2015 study from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse describes youth perceiving marijuana as “relatively harmless” and “not as dangerous as drinking and driving.” (Unsplash/Conor Limkbocker)

Marijuana at school: Loss of concentration, risk of psychosis

Provincial policies to implement the legal consumption of marijuana are unlikely to protect children and youth. High school teachers and parents will be on the front line.
To break down the “math barrier” that has been shown to limit success in school, career and life, all children must learn their times tables. (Shutterstock)

Why all children must learn their times tables — and fun ways to teach them

Parents can teach very young children to “skip count” at the kitchen table, and it will set them up to be successful math learners throughout their secondary and post-secondary education.
A Westpac Little Ripper drone helped rescue two teens off the coast of Australia by dropping a flotation device to them. Westpac Little Ripper

Robots to the rescue: Saving lives with unmanned vehicles

Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles are already saving lives in search and rescue operations, but they still need improvements if they’re to be widely used in the most dangerous situations.
Kiara Romero, 20, from Rockville, Md., was one of the million who joined the Women’s March in D.C. and around the world on the anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration to denounce his views and policies. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Hey, Trump: The women’s march is no joke

The first anniversary of the Women’s March on Washington which took place last weekend in cities in the U.S., Canada and internationally indicates support is growing for a global feminist activism.
Political dignitaries attend the funeral for three of the six victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting in Montreal in February 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

A year later: The mosque massacre & rising Islamophobia

A year after the Quebec mosque shooting, it’s clear that little has changed for Muslims in Canada. They’re still almost unequivocally rejected.
The technology and rapid pace of critical care in hospital can often erase the patient experience. Opportunities for patient storytelling can transform health care. (Shutterstock)

How patient stories can improve intensive care

When patients, doctors and nurses have the opportunity to share their experiences of hospital intensive care, the resulting dialogue can be transformative.
U.S. Navy ships operate in formation in the South China Sea. (U.S. Navy)

Davos oblivious to one of free trade’s gravest threats

China’s actions in the South China Sea are getting scant attention at Davos. But if the Chinese set a precedent for other rogue nations, there will be a profound impact on global free trade.
Lack of clear evidence on impairment from cannabis use has led to vastly different workplace policies. Police officers in Ottawa and Vancouver face no restrictions on their off-work use of cannabis as long as they are fit for duty, officers in Calgary have been banned from use and in Toronto they face a 28-day abstinence period. (Shutterstock)

Cannabis in the workplace: We need an accurate measure of impairment

Will offices, construction sites and medical clinics become less safe now that marijuana is legal in Canada? Our experts review the evidence, or lack of it.
Political dressing is all the rage right now, but is it a fashion? A professor of fashion explains. (Twitter/@Mossimo)

Fashion’s potential to influence politics and culture

Political statements through our clothing are all the rage right now. Could we say this is a new fashion? Prof. of fashion, Henry Navarro explains the recent phenomena.
While improv comedy in the classroom might nurture your child’s stage talent, it’s also a highly effective way of teaching literacy. Pictured here, La Ligue d'Improvisation Montréalaise. (Wikipedia Commons)

Comedy in the classroom? How improv can promote literacy

In the elementary classroom, improv can nurture a collaborative and creative climate in which even reticent kids want to participate.
The roots of organic farming in the United Kingdom can be traced to the fascism movement that began after the First World War. Rick Barrett/ambitious creative co

The roots of organic farming lie in fascism

Organic farming has roots in 20th century fascism, challenging the assumption that environmentalism and progressive politics are symbiotic.
Ajit Pai, former Verizon lawyer turned head of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), rolled back President Barack Obama’s net neutrality policy in December. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

The data war behind net neutrality

Repealing net neutrality regulations in the United States will be disastrous for the rest of the world.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speak following a meeting on the security and stability on the Korean Peninsula in Vancouver. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

China the winner after pointless Canada-U.S. meeting on North Korea

China is succeeding in a high-stakes poker game on the Korean Peninsula. Did Canada and the U.S. just play into Chinese hands?