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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Workers produce medical marijuana at Canopy Growth Corporation’s Tweed facility in Smiths Falls, Ont., in February 2018. The company wants a a “greenhouse outlet” to sell its products. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Provinces prepare to push pot

Provincially owned cannabis retailers have a lot to do before cannabis goes on sale in Canada on Oct 17.
Is Donald Trump a pawn of Russia? A mini-blimp floating during anti-Trump protests in London depicts the president as a giant baby – just as he prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Is Trump Putin’s ‘stooge?’

As Donald Trump prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, here’s a detailed explanation of how one goes about subverting democracy via a stooge.
The future of local news is sobering but not without some measure of hope. By illuminating both the values and challenges besetting local journalism, we can reimagine a new day for local news. (Shutterstock)

The future of local news is one bound with our own

Local news is in peril. Here’s what can be done to save it.
A different decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on inter-provincial trade barriers could have, among other things, finally forced politicians to deal with the country’s problematic supply management system for the dairy and poultry sectors. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The measly $292.50 that could have transformed Canada’s agrifood sector

The Gérard Comeau case was never just about beer. It was essentially about enabling Canada’s domestic economy across the country to thrive. Here’s how the Supreme Court of Canada got it so wrong.
MIT’s experiment with a serial killing AI called Norman, based on Psycho’s Norman Bates, underscores the importance of ensuring we get it right when embedding AI with culture. MIT

What if MIT’s Norman and Amazon’s Alexa hooked up?

Artificial Intelligence is set to explode and, as a result, multiple versions of AI are bound to co-exist. It’s time to influence its development into a truly pan-global cultural environment.
As consumers shift to online shopping and new businesses increasingly focus investments on digital products and services, governments around the world need to update old tax rules to avoid losing tax revenue. (Shutterstock)

How a U.S. Supreme Court ruling could modernize Canada’s tax system

As Canada’s federal government sends mixed signals on digital taxation, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a historic precedent and paves the way for other countries to tackle the digital economy.
Aug. 12, 2017: white nationalist demonstrators use shields as they guard the entrance to Lee Park in Charlottesville, Va. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

The 100-year-old rallying cry of ‘white genocide’

White supremacists push an agenda that have their followers believing they are in danger of extinction. But their ‘race suicide’ ideas are based on 100-year-old unscientific and racist research.
Hamilton resident, Peter Khill, 28, admitted he shot Jon Styres but said he fired in self-defence, believing Styres was about to shoot him. A jury acquitted him last week. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Colin Perkel

Erasing race but not racism in the Peter Khill trial

A jury found Peter Khill not guilty of second-degree murder of Jonathan Styres, an Indigenous father of two. Questions about jury selection and the justice system are raised by one of the jury triers.
A 1792 painting by artist James Gillray portrays the Macartney Embassy mission to China, when the British ambassador was rebuffed by the emperor after offering western goods. There are parallels in Chinese history to Donald Trump’s isolationism. British Museum/1868,0808.6228

Lessons in Chinese history as America shuts off from the world

China turned inward during the Industrial Revolution after being a economic powerhouse for thousands of years. There are lessons about the dangers of Donald Trump’s isolationism in Chinese history.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledges his supporters as he arrives to Mexico City’s main square, the Zócalo, on July 1, 2018. The leftist López Obrador won the election and is calling for reconciliation. (AP Photo/Anthony Vazquez)

Why Mexico’s historic elections may bring about big change

The election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico could bring about stable change in a country marked by violence and social polarization.
In this June 2018 photo, an Israeli tractor works to extinguish a fire started by a kite with an incendiary device launched from Gaza in a wheat field near the Israel/Gaza border. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

Gaza’s fire kites and balloon bombs ignite tensions

Incendiary kites and balloons have joined artillery rockets in Gaza’s arsenal. They bleed Israel’s finances more than its people.
The transformative nature of our move to a data-driven economy and society means that any data strategy will have long-lasting effects. That’s why the Canadian government needs to ask the right questions to the right people in its ongoing national consultations. (Shutterstock)

Why the public needs more say on data consultations

The Canadian government is right to hold public consultations on digital and data transformation given how profoundly it affects society at large. But the scope is far too narrow.
Jordan Peterson speaks to a crowd during a stop in Sherwood Park, Alta., in February 2018. Peterson is suing an Ontario university and three of its staff for defamation. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Hey Jordan Peterson, suing just makes you look like a hypocrite

Jordan Peterson’s lawsuit against Laurier is hardly the action of a free speech advocate. Here’s how he resembles Cleon of ancient Greece.
Gas prices usually rise heading into long weekends. The reasons behind wild oil price fluctuations, reflected at the pumps, is about a lot more than economics. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Understanding the rollercoaster ride of oil prices

Oil prices have little to do with supply or demand or even economic forces. Instead, it’s all about politics.
A guard walks by toys placed by protesters at a shelter for unaccompanied children in Homestead, Fla. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)

How we all suffer when migrant children are harmed

Canada’s residential school system and the Holocaust offer clear lessons – that the harm done to migrant children will impact multiple generations of Americans.
U.S. President Donald Trump left the recent G7 summit in a fury about Justin Trudeau and vowing an escalated trade war. Canadians are responding by going Trump-free at the grocery stores – but it will likely be short-lived. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Canadians are going Trump-free – until it becomes too expensive

Every now and then, Canadians will take a stand against the U.S. by choosing Canadian items over American ones at the grocery store. Unless they cost more – and most often, they do.
Children protest in Los Angeles outside a court hearing where immigrant-rights advocates asked a judge to order the release of parents separated from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

I’ve seen the lasting emotional damage to detained children

U.S. President Donald Trump may believe he’s contained the political damage of his policy to separate migrant children from their parents. But the psychological damage to children has only just begun.
In this April 2018 photo, siblings from El Salvador huddle together on a soccer field in Mexico. awaiting temporary transit visas that would allow them to continue to the U.S. border, where they hoped to request asylum. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez)

Our moral obligation to Central American migrants

Immigration turmoil in the U.S. means Canada must craft its own migration management plans – to help Central Americans fleeing misery in their homelands, some of it with Canadian involvement.
U.S. President Donald Trump, seen here in a February 2018 photo, has a beef with trade deficits. Yet running trade deficits with Asian countries has long spurred American spending and consumption. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Donald Trump’s misguided aversion to trade deficits

Donald Trump’s obsession with trade deficits, and his subsequent wielding of the tariff big guns, is the absolute wrong approach for the U.S. economy.
Protesters demonstrate against the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion in May 2018 in Vancouver. Building infrastructure is a tricky business for the private and public sector alike. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

The risky business of government-run pipelines

When the Canadian government announced its pending ownership in the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, it entered the complex business of pipeline infrastructure.
Executive pay is an issue that often causes public uproar. But it’s not as greed-driven as we might think. Razvan Chisu/Unsplash

The uproar over executive pay isn’t entirely warranted

High CEO compensation angers the public, particularly when it doesn’t seemed tied to performance. But as a whole, trends in executive compensation are consistent with fundamental economic forces.
Ontario Premier-designate Doug Ford pledged to repeal the provincial sex-ed curriculum. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg

Sex-ed isn’t going to turn you gay

With Doug Ford Nation taking over Ontario, our school curriculum, especially sexual education, is at risk of being censored and being thrown back to a time when diverse sexualities was a mystery.
Child survivors of Auschwitz are seen in this 1945 photograph. (Creative Commons)

The dreadful history of children in concentration camps

The more notorious concentration camps of the 20th century must serve as a stark reminder of the depravity of tearing children away from their parents and putting them in camps.