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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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In this April 2017 photo, Wisconsin dairy farmer Tim Prosser is seen with his cows. Canada’s tough stance on diafiltered milk via its supply-management system has caused hardship for farmers like Prosser, forced to consider selling their milking cows and shutting down family businesses. (AP Photo/Cara Lombardo)

How the dairy lobby’s cash grab put Canada in Trump’s crosshairs

Canadian dairy farmers were already well-heeled and well-protected from world market forces, but their cash grab over something called diafiltered milk has put the entire Canadian economy at risk.
Eroding civility is not just a U.S. phenomenon. We need to learn how to speak to each other, no matter what our politics. (Shutterstock)

Making society civil again

Eroding civility is not just an American phenomenon; it’s global. But it’s time for a return to civility as we reflect on how we will be judged and remembered when the dust of history settles upon us.
The ongoing NAFTA renegotiations could put a Canadian national pharmacare program in jeopardy, and could have a particular impact on Canadians who need expensive arthritis drugs. (Shutterstock)

NAFTA negotiations may threaten pharmacare

The ongoing NAFTA renegotiations could put a Canadian national pharmacare program in jeopardy, and have a particular impact on Canadians who need expensive arthritis drugs. Here’s how.
President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at the Rimrock Auto Arena in Billings, Mont., Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018. (AP Photo/Jim Urquhart)

Location, location, location: Trump has the best spot in American politics

Disparate groups that include white nationalists, business elites and evangelical Christians have all tried to put a leader in the White House. They all failed – until Donald Trump came along.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a news conference in Ottawa in June 2018. A United Nations housing watchdog has criticized the Liberals over what it sees as their about-face on a promise to put a human rights lens on its housing strategy. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Canada’s complicated relationship with international human rights law

If the liberal international order is to survive, countries like Canada will need to defend international human rights law.
An asylum-seeker saying he’s from Eritrea is confronted by an RCMP officer as he crosses the border into Canada from the United States on Aug. 21 near Champlain, N.Y. Canadians have false beliefs about the so-called migration crisis, and politicians are capitalizing on it. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

Canadian politicians are playing a dangerous game on migration

Canada’s opposition Conservatives are borrowing from European populists in stoking fears about asylum-seekers and migrants. Here’s why that’s so dangerous.
Edmonton’s new NHL arena opened in 2016 and was partially funded by $226 million from the City of Edmonton. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Offside: The secret deals involving public money for sports stadiums

The Calgary Flames are the latest pro sports team asking for public funds for a new arena. Cities across North America help fund sports facilities, but with little transparency and accountability
Protesters opposed to the Trans Mountain pipeline extension demonstrate in Vancouver in June 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Everyone needs to take a deep breath after the Trans Mountain ruling

The ruling against the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline project doesn’t mean the end of the oil and gas industry in Canada. Other projects and approaches could go forward.
Coldwater Indian band Chief Lee Spahan raises an eagle feather after responding to a Federal Court of Appeal ruling that put the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion on hold.

Trans Mountain ruling: Victory for environmentalists, but a setback for action on climate change

Environmentalists claimed victory when a court ruling put the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on hold. But delaying or cancelling the project would also impact Canada’s climate change strategy.
Should wealthy Canadians pay an inheritance tax? In this photo from 2002, David Thomson listens during the annual meeting of Thomson Corp. The Thomsons are considered Canada’s richest family. (CP PHOTO/Aaron Harris)

Should Canada have an inheritance tax?

Canada is the only G7 country that doesn’t have an inheritance tax. A new report says that should change. The idea of sharing the wealth from one generation to another is not new.
Members of the Canadian Forces march during a Remembrance Day ceremony in Vancouver, B.C., on Nov. 11, 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Why Canadians pay little attention to their military

Canadians’ indifference to their military isn’t so surprising. Almost every military conflict has raised serious questions, and spurred divisive debate, about Canadian unity and independence.
Technology and artificial intelligence are already profoundly changing how we live, work and travel. Are we ready for more profound changes? (Shutterstock)

Are we ready for the digital tsunami?

Technology is already changing how we live our lives and go about our days. Are we ready with collaborative planning processes so we are not taken by surprise by more profound change?
In what became one of the defining moments of his unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign, Republican candidate John McCain takes back the microphone from Gayle Quinnell, who said Barack Obama “was an Arab.” The moment occurred during a town hall meeting on Oct. 10, 2008, in Lakeville, Minn. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

What we can learn from John McCain’s civic vulnerability

John McCain did something during the 2008 U.S. presidential election that would seem very out of place today: he made himself vulnerable by speaking up about the character of opponent Barack Obama.
The national flags of Canada, from left, the U.S. and Mexico, are lit by stage lights before a news conference at the start of North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations in Washington. But Canada’s status is now unsure after the U.S. and Mexico announced progress on a bilateral deal. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

NAFTA negotiations: Two’s company, three’s a crowd?

An announcement that the United States and Mexico were close to a new trade deal came as a surprise to many. How did Canada become an afterthought during the NAFTA negotiations?
In Rome, 70 per cent of ingredients in school meals are required by law to be organic. In Brazil, food is a constitutional right for children. Canada lags shamefully behind. (Shutterstock)

How to make a national school food program happen

There would be many benefits from a national school food program, including a chance to teach children healthy eating habits that could last a lifetime. Why can’t it happen?
The financial system is awash with money, which is why interest rates have been so low for so long. (Shutterstock)

How banks have set a trap for the U.S. Fed by creating money

It’s been 10 years since the U.S. signed into law a scheme to print money, essentially, and save the financial sector amid the sub-prime mortgage meltdown. Did it work? And who’s truly benefitted?
A protester opposed to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is lowered to a police boat after spending two days suspended from a bridge in Vancouver in July 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Lessons from Clayoquot Sound for the Trans Mountain pipeline protests

Based on the success of the Clayoquot Sound protests 25 years ago, we can expect the TransMountain pipeline expansion protest movement, and its related civil disobedience, to continue.
Will U.S. border officials have problems with Canadians who purchase weed online when they try to enter the country? THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mark Blinch

How privatized cannabis sales threaten your privacy

As Canada moves to legalize marijuana and online sales become commonplace, privacy concerns can’t be an afterthought; they must be built into the system from the outset. That’s not happening.
Vic Fedeli, Ontario’s finance minister, and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney talk to the media after announcing Ontario’s cannabis retail model on Aug. 13. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Katsarov

Ontario uproots its plans for selling weed

Ontario’s change to private sector cannabis stores will give consumers more convenience. That will mean stronger competition against the black market, but potentially higher consumption too.
Maxime Bernier announces he will leave the Conservative party during a news conference in Ottawa on Aug. 23, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Maxime Bernier’s bold move

Maxime Bernier has announced he’s forming a new conservative party to challenge Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives. Don’t count him out. Politics has shown us recently that the impossible can happen.
Demonstrators protest ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza as they march through the streets of Ottawa in November 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Why Canadian aid won’t really help Palestinian entrepreneurs

Canadian aid to Palestine will continue to do little good if the Canadian government continues to ignore Israel’s role in destroying the Palestinian economy and violating basic human rights.
A parade of bar men protest Prohibition along Yonge Street in Toronto in 1916. Library and Archives Canada

Want cannabis stores banned in your town? Read this first

History has shown that prohibiting popular intoxicants spurs illegal and sometimes excessive use. Ontario municipalities taking up Doug Ford’s offer to ban local retail weed sales should take note.
Activists protest against the acquisition of the U.S. agrochemical company Monsanto by the German Bayer company in Bonn, Germany, Friday, May 25, 2018. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

With Monsanto, Bayer will need more Aspirin

Bayer, the new owner of Monsanto, will need to up its PR efforts, in the wake of last week’s legal ruling on glyphosate weedkillers.
A man holds a sign at a memorial remembering the victims of the July 22, 2018 shooting in Toronto. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mark Blinch

Toronto mass shooting: How the city is coping a month later

Toronto is still grappling with the fallout from two mass casualty events – April’s van attack and a mass shooting in July. A month after the shooting, how is Toronto moving forward?