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Articles on Air quality

Displaying 101 - 108 of 108 articles

A sensor monitors carbon dioxide from the rooftop of the SF Exploratorium. Alexis Shusterman

Low-cost sensors track CO2 where it counts

Scientists build network of inexpensive air monitors to track emissions with fine-grained spatial detail – an alternative to satellites or pricey land-based CO2 monitors.
Some chemicals are still used in industrial products or are found in the environment. Solovyova Lyudmyla/Flickr

Toxic chemicals and pollutants affect kids’ brain development

The news that toxic chemicals may be triggering a rise in autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia in the United States has rightly prompted concern among parents. But what…
Have catalytic converters changed the cost-pollution-benefit in petrol’s favour? Mike Egerton/PA

Failure to test for the real world has left a polluting diesel legacy

Which is the better option for cars in cities, diesel or petrol-driven engines? As a report reveals the new fleet of green, hybrid electric-diesel buses in London produce less CO2 but more harmful pollutants…

China’s air quality kills

China’s high level of polluted air is costing lives, according to researchers at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences…
Nice when a few sandstone houses get smoking, but what are people breathing in bigger rural towns where wood stoves are common? Flickr/welshmackem

Should we worry about winter chimney haze in rural towns?

Winter in many Australian country towns is accompanied by a pall of smoke from wood-fired heaters that lasts from late afternoon to the following morning. In larger towns and cities burning wood has been…

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