Some materials react and generate potentially helpful particles when exposed to light. Analytical AI can help scientists sort through materials to find ones with this property.
In Nigeria, the national grid is so unreliable that individual homes procure much of their own electricity. They’re pivotal in the country’s transitions to renewable energy and should be subsidised.
A team of particle physicists have rolled out the first inexpensive South African air quality monitoring system using artificial intelligence to predict areas of high pollution.
The growing environmental and health risks posed by microplastics can only be addressed by reducing the amount of plastic produced and ensuring that all of it is recycled.
Melissa Bowen, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau; Gaoyang Li, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau; Giovanni Coco, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau, and Zheng Chen, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
A new study shows up to 90% of floating plastic rubbish is captured in estuaries and inner shorelines. Local community cleanups can make a real difference by stopping pollution at its source.
Smallholder farmers in Gwanda, rural Zimbabwe face droughts and rising temperatures from climate change. Their environment is also being damaged by artisanal gold miners, new research has found.
Valérie S. Langlois, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS); Julien Gigault, Université Laval; Raphaël Lavoie, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), and To Tuan Anh, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
New research shows an abundance of microplastics in the St. Lawrence River and its estuary, where 45 million people live and is home home to several million animals, invertebrates and plants.
Millions of people are being urged to take part in Plastic Free July. Yet we know consumer choice is only one part of the picture. Eliminating plastic waste requires broader structural change.
Growing and changing demands for water and the increasing impacts of climate change are adding to the challenge of ensuring everyone has access to a safe and reliable water supply.
The record-breaking and destructive forest fires of the summer of 2023 made headlines. But how did they affect the millions of lakes in the burned catchment areas?
Researchers found blood-lead levels in sparrows were a predictable indicator of blood-lead levels in children – showing how humans and nature are inextricably linked.