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Articles on Artificial intelligence (AI)

Displaying 661 - 680 of 1389 articles

Psychedelics have been the subject of a recent surge of interest in their potential therapeutic effects. metamorworks/iStock via Getty Images

AI maps psychedelic ‘trip’ experiences to regions of the brain – opening new route to psychiatric treatments

Pinpointing the molecular targets behind the subjective effects of psychedelic drugs could help clinicians and researchers better treat psychiatric conditions.
Health sciences education needs to be updated to include training in technology. (Shutterstock)

Using artificial intelligence in health sciences education requires interdisciplinary collaboration and risk assessment

There are growing applications of artificial intelligence in health sciences education. Students and practitioners need to be educated on using these technologies and made aware of their implications.
Bribery of foreign public officials is of particular concern for Canada, considering the tendency for Canadian multinationals to engage in bribery and corruption in the Global South. (Shutterstock)

Artificial intelligence and corporate social responsibility can strengthen anti-corruption efforts

While social responsibility can help establish a culture founded on transparency and accountability, AI tools can assist companies in implementing these values within the organization.
Traditional media, particularly print, are in decline as audiences move online. Patrick Meinhardt / AFP via Getty Images

Journalism has changed. Education must reflect the reality

Today’s journalism students are less likely to find full-time jobs as professional journalists. The craft has become ‘post-industrial’, entrepreneurial and atypical.
Defending against cyberattacks increasingly means looking for patterns in large amounts of data – a task AI was made for. Yuichiro Chino/Moment via Getty Images

How AI is shaping the cybersecurity arms race

Artificial intelligence is emerging as a key cybersecurity tool for both attackers and defenders.
Commercial satellite companies provide views once reserved for governments, like this image of a Russian military training facility in Crimea. Satellite image (c) 2021 Maxar Technologies via Getty Images

Technology is revolutionizing how intelligence is gathered and analyzed – and opening a window onto Russian military activity around Ukraine

National security professionals and armchair sleuths alike are taking advantage of vast amounts of publicly available information and software tools to monitor geopolitical events around the world.
Eliminating human guesswork can make for faster and more accurate research. KTSDESIGN/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

New AI technique identifies dead cells under the microscope 100 times faster than people can – potentially accelerating research on neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s

Understanding when and how neurons die is an important part of research on neurodegenerative diseases like Lou Gehrig’s, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
The Department of Justice indicted six officers of Russia’s GRU military intelligence service in October 2020 on charges of hacking and deploying malware. Andrew Harnik - Pool/Getty Images

Russia could unleash disruptive cyberattacks against the US – but efforts to sow confusion and division are more likely

Russia probably has the means to attack US electrical grids and otherwise create havoc but probably won’t go that far. Instead, watch for disinformation aimed at undermining the US and NATO.
Older adults are increasingly using technologies in their everyday lives, but the needs of this population are often ignored in AI design. (Shutterstock)

Artificial intelligence can discriminate on the basis of race and gender, and also age

Algorithms have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race and gender. Studying age-related discrimination is essential to develop more equitable AI systems and technologies.
A new study identifies significant language barriers between doctors and their patients. ljubaphoto/E+ via Getty Images

Confused by what your doctor tells you? A new study discovers how communication gaps between doctors and patients can be cured

Communication breakdowns between doctors and their patients have real-life consequences and can result in poorer health outcomes and sicker patients.

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