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Articles on Barack Obama

Displaying 401 - 420 of 681 articles

Not as important as the invisible primary…. DonkeyHotey

The invisible primary – number one

What’s the best predictor of which candidate will win the presidential nomination. The winner of the Iowa caucus? The winner of the New Hampshire primary? Actually neither is as good a predictor as the…
With the US economy back on its feet, US President Barack Obama has returned to his earlier reformist stance. Davis Turner/EPA/AAP

Obama’s ‘middle-class economics’ reminiscent of Rudd and Keating

Barack Obama’s State of the Union address last week was important for both policy and political reasons. In it, Obama argued for a more egalitarian “middle-class economics”. In the process, he prepared…
We’re making progress. POOL New/ Reuters

Most Americans want diplomatic engagement with Iran

In his State of the Union address, the President’s core message was that the US has emerged strong from the twin crises caused by the 2001 terrorist attacks and the 2008 global recession. And the challenge…
One more SOTU to go Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The State of the Union 2015 – theater, traditions, politics

Editor’s note: “The state of the union is good,” and the attitude of President Barack Obama in his annual speech to Congress was upbeat. Good economic news and no more election campaigns were the backdrop…
Here’s what’s on the agenda. POOL New/ Reuters

The State of the Union 2015 – a closer look at the president’s ‘ambitious agenda’

Editor’s note: “The state of the union is good,” and the attitude of President Barack Obama in his annual speech to Congress was upbeat. Good economic news and no more election campaigns were the backdrop…
Barack Obama outlined a vision of post-recession liberalism that was at once hopeful and limited in his State of the Union address. EPA/Astrid Riecken

With a liberal State of the Union agenda, Obama revives theme of hope

On Tuesday night (US time), President Barack Obama gave his second-last State of the Union address – and the last one that has the potential to shape his legacy. Next year the country will be caught up…
In this year’s State of the Union Obama has new found confidence Larry Downing/Reuters

State of the Union 2015: telegraphing the punches with purpose

There are many ways to look at the Obama approach to the 2015 State of the Union – the idea that the President’s strategy is ruining the culture and tradition of the State of the Union address is just…
EPA/Michael Reynolds

Soaking the rich

There’s nothing like a little juxtaposition to put things in context. On the same day Oxfam warned that 1% of the world’s population would soon control 50% of its wealth, US President Barack Obama came…
Did the Saudis and the Americans do a deal over oil in 2008-09? solkanar

Oil crash: is this the end of a long period of inflated prices?

What on earth is going on in the oil market? Does the recent 60% collapse in oil prices in six months really reflect shifts in underlying supply and demand for crude oil? I’m afraid not, as I have been…
But can the promise be delivered? President Obama at Pellissippi State College in Knoxville, TN Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Free access to community college benefits students but not the nation

Last week, President Barack Obama announced a proposal to guarantee that students could attend a community college for free for their first two years. The announcement was one in a series of previews of…
Nabila Rehman, 9, shows her drawing of a drone attack on her Pakistani village that killed her grandmother. Jason Reed/Reuters

Drone strikes: are they Obama’s enhanced interrogation techniques?

On November 24, two weeks before the Senate Intelligence Committee released its “torture report,” Reprieve, a UK-based human rights NGO, published the results of its latest investigation into President…
The author with his brother and father on the way to Florida

The last exiles

“Normalization” – that’s been the word of the week among Cubans and Cuba watchers. Set aside for the moment whether it’s really possible for a dictatorship and a democracy to have normal relations, since…
The star-spangled banner yet waves over a Havana taxi-bike. EPA/Alejandro Ernesto

Obama’s Cuba move is more a milestone than a turning point

The recent news that the United States and Cuba are finally beginning to “normalise” relations has understandably caught the world’s imagination, given the two countries’ longstanding mutual hostility…
Fidel Castro during a visit to Washington in 1959. U.S. Department of State

Cuba and US: the long, twisted tale of two countries

The action by President Obama to move toward the normalization of US-Cuba relations is long overdue. The US ruptured ties with Cuba in early January 1961, under President Eisenhower, not only in the context…
Obama announces the biggest Cuba policy shift in 50 years. EPA/Doug Mills

After a tense 50 years, Obama and Castro announce US-Cuba thaw

In the United States and Cuba’s strained relationship over the past 50-odd years, certain key flashpoints stand out: the Bay of Pigs incident, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and many more. December 17 2014…

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