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Articles on Epigenetics

Displaying 41 - 60 of 99 articles

Naloxone is often used to revive people overdosing from opioids. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Why genetics makes some people more vulnerable to opioid addiction – and protects others

Scientists are just starting to understand how your parents’ genes and experiences might shape your own susceptibility to dangerous drugs. Could that help to stop addictions before they start?
Professor Fabian V. Filipp with his team working on precision targeting of malignant melanoma. Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory

Sure, cancer mutates, but it has other ways to resist treatment

Cancer is a disease of our genes, but resistance to therapy might go beyond cancer mutations. The DNA stays the same, but cancer cells outsmart the drugs by switching their gene activity.
Rey (Daisy Ridley), in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, ponders the light and dark sides of the Force. (Handout)

The Force of biology is strong in Star Wars

Star Wars: The Last Jedi leaves many questions about the saga in a galaxy far, far away unanswered. Fortunately, biology may offer a insights on the Force, midi-chlorians, clones, and Rey’s lineage.
A scientist works with DNA samples in a New Orleans laboratory in 2011. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

You’ve got your DNA kit: Now what can you do with it?

The rapid growth of genetic testing and data-gathering could revolutionize health and medicine if governments work to protect people against privacy and societal risks.
Cancer precision targeting at the Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory. Credit: Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory. Fabian V. Filipp

Can the study of epigenomics lead to personalized cancer treatment?

A field called epigenomics looks at chemical modifications that do not change our DNA sequence but can affect gene activity. What are the limitations, and can biomedicine use this to our advantage?
New research shows a high BMI in mothers before pregnancy may impact the health of their child. Jessica Pankratz/Flickr

Babies born to overweight mothers more likely to get age-related diseases sooner

Overweight women have a higher risk of delivering biologically older babies who are are more susceptible to age-related conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes in later life.
Where’s it gone? Guschenkova/

Why do some cancers suddenly disappear?

A few cancers vanish without any medical treatment. Researchers are studying these ‘spontaneous regressions’ to see if they can lead to new cancer treatments.
What are the hormones that cause cravings during pregnancy? from

Chemical messengers: how pregnancy hormones affect the body

Multiple hormones produced by the mother, placenta and the foetus drive and coordinate the amazing biological changes and development of the baby that occur with conception, foetal growth and birth.

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