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Articles on Epigenetics

Displaying 61 - 80 of 99 articles

A mouse embryo, like this one, looks a lot like that of a fish, a frog or a human at a certain point in its development. Macroscopic Solutions/Flickr

Flipping the genetic ‘switch’ that makes many animals look alike as embryos

Scientists have discovered the genetic “switch” that causes many animals, including fish, frogs and humans, to look the same at a certain point in embryonic development.
Family resemblance isn’t only down to genes, but also to the influence of the environment on those genes. Mitchell Joyce/Flickr

Epigenetics: phenomenon or quackery?

Epigenetics is increasingly used as a buzzword to sell pseudoscientific products, but the truth of epigenetics is even more interesting – and complex – than the quacks claim.
Epigenetic molecules play a different melody on different people’s genomes, and this might be contributing to some developing autism. Jesse Kruger/Flickr

Music of the genome hits a discord with autism

The epigenetic ‘musicians’ that play our genomes in different ways might help us understand the causes of autism.
The Human Genome Project was just the beginning. The Epigenome Roadmap is now telling us how all these genes switch on and off in different parts of the body, and how they go wrong with disease. Tom Purcell/Flickr

Beyond genetics: illuminating the epigenome

There’s still a lot we don’t know about how various genes are switched on and off. But a new project is seeking to shed light on the complex world of epigenetics.
A mother’s healthy and varied diet during pregnancy might give her child a head start to healthy eating. Bettina Neuefeind/Flickr

Passing on taste: how your mum’s diet affects what you eat

Our parents teach us what is to eat. But this process begins well before the fight to get toddlers to eat their veggies. Not only do our parents give us the genes that define our taste receptors, research…
Icy times for mom-to-be meant bad news for baby-on-board. Shaun Best/Reuters

Mom’s prenatal hardship turns baby’s genes on and off

In January 1998 five days of freezing rain collapsed the electrical grid of the Canadian province of Québec. The storm left more than 3 million people without electricity for anywhere from a few hours…

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