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Articles on Labour

Displaying 341 - 360 of 361 articles

Is anything less acceptable? LIVING WAGE

The living wage may cut poverty, but not by very much

In the UK, according to the Living Wage Foundation, some 1,000 firms have pledged to offer a living wage, including household names like RBS, ITV and SSE. Earlier this week the annual rate increase was…
Over half of Australia’s imported goods come from the Asia Pacific, which has 78 million child labourers, including these three in a Bangladesh balloon factory. EPA/Abir Abdhullah

Global supply chains link us all to shame of child and forced labour

The fragmentation of global production has dramatically increased the length and complexity of supply chains. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimates that more than…
Swivel eyes on the prize. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Two by-elections, one winner: the rise and rise of UKIP

The results of the by-elections that have just taken place in Clacton and Heywood and Middleton are virtually impossible to spin for either the Conservatives or Labour. Predictably, each side of Britain’s…
“Just as long as we don’t have to call it The Nicola and David Show.” Andrew Milligan/PA

Could the Scottish National Party join the next UK government?

After the 2010 UK election, some individuals urged Labour to try to form a rainbow-style coalition with the smaller parties in the House of Commons. According to the maths, several potential groupings…
Making plans with Nigel. Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Farage squares up to Labour in bid to broaden UKIP vote

Nigel Farage entered Doncaster racecourse to give the first of two speeches to the UKIP annual conference against a backdrop of Olympics-style inspirational house music. The soundtrack was appropriate…
What did you get? Niall Carson/PA Wire

Permanent revolution of A Level exams helps nobody

A Level results are in and as teenagers pore over their grades, a record number will be able to take up places at university. The results – which show a small decline in the overall pass rate for the first…
State-owned East Coast train pulling into London King’s Cross. Matt Buck

Renationalise the railways? That’s the last thing we need

So the mountain has rumbled and given forth its usual platitudinous mouse. Labour leader Ed Miliband’s pronouncements confirmed longstanding speculation that his party has plans for rail. In particular…
I’m doing a straw poll. How much would you pay? Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive

Universities need more than a pledge to reduce student fees

I’m an unabashed political junkie. Who’s up, who’s down; who’s in, who’s out. Yet it’s fair to say that pretty much all the day-to-day policy spinning, posturing and firefighting rarely percolates outside…
It can take some time for women to come to terms with the conceptual as well as physical change of giving birth. Remy Sharp

One body becoming two: how women experience childbirth

There is a substantial literature on labour and childbirth in medical, midwifery and social scientific research. But we still don’t know much about how labouring women experience that pivotal time when…
The total cost of care per woman was AUS$566·74 less for one-on-one midwifery care than for standard maternity care, the study found. Sandor Weisz

One-on-one midwife care costs the public health system less: study

A woman who is cared for by the same midwife throughout her pregnancy, labour and after birth saves the public health system around A$550, a new study has found, debunking the myth that it is an expensive…
Policymakers should ensure that the safety net provides adequate income for daily needs as well as ensuring that people are positioned to quickly reintegrate into satisfactory paid employment. freefotouk

No through road: path to prosperity eludes America’s jobless poor

In the late 1990s, American writer and activist Barbara Ehrenreich spent a year working in low end jobs in the United States documenting the pitifully low wages, the oppression, and barriers to upward…
A skilled workforce will ensure that Australia’s labour market remains competitive amid greater integration with Asia. AAP

A focus on skills will allow Australia to reap fruits of its labour

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Today, Professor Jeff Borland suggests…
Wage growth and wage expectations have taken a downward turn. Flickr/HoskingIndustries

Wage growth slows, female earners suffer most

Wage growth has slowed in the last quarter, with pay rising at just 2.9% over the last 12 months to August, down from 5.1% in the 12 months to May, a new survey shows. The survey of 1200 households, conducted…

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