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Articles on Migration

Displaying 481 - 500 of 777 articles

George Dreyfus, centre, holding a bassoon and Walter Wurzburger, far left, holding a clarinet. JC Williamson production 1949

Loss, trials, and compassion: the music of Australia’s Jewish refugees

In the late 1930s, Australia sought to restrict the flow of refugees, ruling that musicians were ‘unsuitable’ as migrants. Yet some talented Jewish musicians did arrive here and their work has enriched our cultural life.
The Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk crew interdicts a group of Haitian migrants July 11, 2017, approximately 22 miles south of Great Inagua, Bahamas. Coast Guard News/flickr

Global series: World in Exile

The mass movement of people across the world is nothing new, but migration today is so global and so unrelenting that it may well be the great humanitarian issue of our time.

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