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Articles on Psychology

Displaying 381 - 400 of 1878 articles

Evidence-based and easy to read are two important criteria. JGI/Tom Grill/Tetra images via Getty Images

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals, so here are 5 tips for picking a parenting book

Being a parent can be tricky, and many turn to parenting guides for help in figuring out what to do. Two human development scholars have tips for picking a book that will be useful for you.
You might make a quick and exaggerated judgment about what kind of neighborhood you’re in based on the people or flags you see. David Levingstone/DigitalVision via Getty Images

People overestimate groups they find threatening – when ‘sizing up’ others, bias sneaks in

Social psychology researchers found that people commonly exaggerate the presence of certain groups – including ethnic and sexual minorities – because they perceive them as ideologically threatening.
After great popularity, the idea of power poses came under fire. Choreograph/iStock via Getty Images Plus

The idea that power poses boost your confidence fell from favor – but a new review of the research calls for a second look

For a while it was all the rage to adopt Wonder Woman’s famous stance and other body positions that allegedly pumped up your confidence – until more studies of the phenomenon failed to find the connection.
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder is common among refugees. Independent / Alamy Stock Photo

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder explained

Complex PTSD was left out of the latest version of the ‘psychiatrists’ bible’, but that doesn’t make it any less real for those who live with it.
Several offshore wind farms are planned for the U.S. Northeast. Scott Eisen/Getty Images

New Englanders support more offshore wind power – just don’t send it to New York

The regionalism that fuels the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry is also found in U.S. attitudes about energy production, a new study shows. That could have repercussions for the renewable energy transition.
Mental health professionals who have experienced mental illness have much to offer to their patients. Bulat Silvia/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Psychologists are starting to talk publicly about their own mental illnesses – and patients can benefit

Psychologists have mental health difficulties and illnesses at the same rate as the general population – but the profession has long stigmatized talking about them in public.

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