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Articles on The Conversation France

Displaying 661 - 680 of 1043 articles

Americans are deeply religious people however our exclusive survey find that many do not want religion to mix with social or political life. Thomas Hawk/Flickr

Survey: the Americans’ critical embrace of religion

The results of our survey reveal that people are rather liberal in moral affairs and have mixed views about religious institutions.
“No Linky” posters in Montreuil, near Paris. The first one reads “Linky: You can say no.” The second reads “Linky spies on your private life.” Some residents fear data surveillance rather than looking at possible advantages of smart meters. Carole Salères

Linky: Do smart meters actually help reduce electricity consumption?

A recent study suggests that smart meters can help households reduce their electricity use by as much as 5%. Are France’s anti-Linky households listening?
Trail of Tears, a painting of a scene in Golconda, illinois. First Nations were forcefully displaced in huge numbers throughout America. Kevin Schraer

In Trump’s America, immigrants are modern-day ‘savage Indians’

The leader of the United States has made immigrants the new face of a threatening “Other,” a primitive savage who has many of the features of the “Indians” of the American frontier myth.
A scene from the best-selling ‘Red: A Haida Manga,’ a revenge story. Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Haida manga: An artist embraces tragedy, beautifully

The “Haida manga” by Indigenous artist Yahgulanaas opens a graphic dialogue between the different cultures of the Pacific Northwest and East Asia.
Bejing. Bird flu is transmitted in various ways and the process needs to be studied in depth. Sojourner in a Strange Land/Flicker

Bird flu: are viruses still in the air?

A scientific question fascinates experts : under which conditions can bird flu virus be transmitted to humans by aerial particles, and what will be the consequences for those who aren’t immune?
President Donald Trump shakes the hand of EPA chief Scott Pruitt after he announcing the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate agreement on June 1, 2017. Pruitt submitted his resignation in July 2018 after a series of scandals. Win McNamee/AFP

Debate: Donald Trump’s war on science and its long-lasting consequences

Conservatives have long tried to attack regulators such as the EPA with “weaponized transparency”. Coupled with the inflation of uncertainty, the intent is to make regulations impossible.
Apprentices researchers in the laboratories of Ecole Polytechnique. Ecole polytechnique/Flickr

Long live the Europe of scientists!

The 2018 edition of the EuroScience Open Festival is a great showcase for EU scientific collaboration.
Twentieth-century depiction of a victorious Saladin with Guy de Lusignan after battle of Hattin in 1187. Said Tahsine (1904-1985 Syria) -

Understanding the Crusades from an Islamic perspective

The Crusades have been stereotyped, creating a narrative that supports both Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments in the West, as well as “Westophobia” and paranoia in the Muslim world.
In 2016, Norwich City Football Club was one of dozens of English football teams that took part in the Stonewall Charity’s “Rainbow Laces” campaign to combat discrimination against LGBT fans and players.

Everyday homophobia and imposed heterosexuality in football

Football presents itself as a neutral, universal and, in a way, desexualised sport. Yet despite widespread campaigns against homophobia, deeply negative attitudes about gay players persist.
The Wedding Feast at Cana, Paolo Veronese, 1563. Wikimedia

Is religion bad for democracy?

Our work on the International Panel for Social Progress has led us to conclude that religion is neither inherently pro-democracy nor inherently anti-democracy.

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