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Artículos sobre Academics

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 157 artículos

Following the failed coup in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ordered the sacking of nearly 1,600 deans, 21,000 teachers and 15,000 education bureaucrats. Tolga Bozoglu/EPA

Turkey coup: why have teachers and academics been targeted?

The sacking of Turkish education staff speaks to a broader agenda of control through removing educated dissident voices.
Nine out of ten surveyed researchers said they engage with end-users to translate their work into practice. from

Academics do want to engage with business, but need more support

Financial incentives alone won’t increase research collaboration between universities and business. Academics say they need time, support and an environment encouraging of engagement.
South African academics are extremely worried about President Jacob Zuma’s axing of the finance minister. Reuters/Stefanie Loos

Academics in South Africa voice their dismay at Zuma’s actions

Academics from several South African universities say that in the current world economy decisions about any country’s finance minister cannot be made “lightly or capriciously”.
Students in California protest in solidarity with those in Missouri in a wave of #StudentBlackOut protests across the US. Eugene Garcia/EPA

The covert racism that is holding back black academics

Subtly racist behaviour impacts heavily on the career trajectories of black and minority ethnic academics.
Too many academic careers are shaped around writing journal articles nobody reads and planning twice-weekly lectures to a diminishing class of students. flickr/Sixth Lie

Shift away from ‘publish or perish’ puts the public back into publication

Prime Minister Turnbull has signalled a desire to move away from a ‘publish or perish’ academic culture toward one that prioritises public impact and engagement. It’s a challenge scholars should embrace.
The iPhone is a good example of an entire industry built on the back of publicly funded research outcomes. The ‘iPhone fish’ is designed to teach people healthy eating through portion size control. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

There is no easy way to measure the impact of university research on society

Publicly-funded research should contribute to society in some way. But we need to think carefully about how we create a system that allows us to measure the impact of research.

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