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Artículos sobre Adolescent health

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 71 artículos

Not just a wives’ tale: growing pains are common in kids. from

Health Check: are growing pains real?

Growing pains are the most common childhood musculoskeletal condition resulting in frequent visits to healthcare professionals.
A survey of parents found many weren’t keen on their kids lifting weights, but the evidence says they should. from

Health Check: should children and adolescents lift weights?

A recent study found while parents are positive about their children engaging in aerobic activities (running, playing sports), they have much more negative views when it comes to strength exercises.
Parents and students view a memorial marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Reuters/Joe Skipper

Is suicide contagious?

Learning about a friend’s suicide attempt appears to transform a distant idea into something very real. Should this change the way we talk about suicide?
Adolescents are losing up to an hour of sleep a night more then they did ten years ago. Ed Yourdon/Flickr

Delay school start times to help young people catch up on sleep

Adolescents are getting less sleep even though they’re at a stage in life when they may need it most. Why not delay school starting times so they can catch up on some shuteye?
High intake of take-away foods, red and processed meat, soft drinks, and fried and refined food is a risk factor for poor academic performance. Jay Peg/Flickr

Brain food: diet’s impacts on students are too big to ignore

As their children submit themselves to the ordeal of all-important end-of-year exams, parents of high school and university students may be wondering what they can do to help. One thing they ought to consider…
When we talk about sexting, are we focusing on the real risks? Image of people texting from

Everything you wanted to know about sexting, but were afraid to ask

Stories of teens taking and sending a naked picture of themselves with their phones have been all over the news media in recent years. The outcome? Shocking, according to reports which have suggested that…
As with most matters health, how sex and cancer risk are linked is complicated and dependent on several factors. Lucas Frasca/Flickr

Health Check: can sex affect your risk of getting cancer?

The sex act has many health benefits from reducing stress and tension, to boosting your immune system. It may even affect your risk of developing certain cancers. But as with most matters health, how sex…
The market for the drug is controlled by criminals recruiting dependent users to act as their agents, who recruit yet more users to keep feeding their addiction. Don Hankins/Flickr

Five things parents can do to help young people escape ice

Recent news of former NSW premier’s daughter Harriet Wran being charged with murder is another illustration of Australia’s growing problem with the drug ice. Wran, who is said to have been battling an…
A healthy youth is critical for laying the solid foundations required for a long-term healthy lifestyle. Flickr: Jose Javier Martin Espartosa

Healthy youth is key to a healthy life but Australia remains behind

Adolescence is supposed to be the healthiest of times in our lives. But open any newspaper and you’re likely to find an article about the health problems of today’s youth. Whether it’s drugs or alcohol-fuelled…
Most young people expect to engage in a number of risky activities at schoolies. Image from

Sex, drugs and alcohol: what really goes on at schoolies?

After finishing year 12, more than 50,000 young Australians attend schoolies celebrations, with most ending up on the Gold Coast. Other schoolies (or “leavers”, as they’re known in Western Australia) head…

Teen balancing act: finding the optimal level of physical activity

Young people who exercise too much are just as much at risk of poor mental and physical health as those who work out too little. According to the study published today in the Archives of Disease in Childhood…
There’s an emerging body of research focusing on the potential positive influences of video games. Rebecca Pollard

Beyond the beat-em-up: video games are good for young people

Research and media attention has usually focused on possible negative impacts of video games. But a clear case to support such links is yet to emerge and even people who argue that video games have a negative…

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