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Artículos sobre Adolescent health

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 71 artículos

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How do I insert a tampon?

Lots of young teens and first-time tampon users are intimidated by tampons. But they’re easy once you get the hang of it.
Kids say they have felt ignored amid policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic that seemed more focused on the fates of restaurants, bars and entertainment venues than keeping schools open and safe. kali9/E+ via Getty Images

Listening to young people could help reduce pandemic-related harms to children

Making room for the input of children and adolescents in responses to the next pandemic would help maintain their health, education, well-being and more.
Mobile health interventions offer convenience, confidentiality, and privacy. Yaw Niel/Shutterstock

Using cellphones to deliver health services to teens: a sub-Saharan Africa review

Mobile health or mHealth is an appealing way to reach adolescents because it offers opportunities to deliver and monitor health interventions at a much lower cost.
Scientists and advocates around the world are in support of evidence-based, science-informed public policies. Joseph Gruber/Shutterstock

Turning findings into policy: six tips for researchers

The changes that society needs, such as preventing adolescent pregnancies, will not happen until researchers can use their findings to influence policy change.

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