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Artículos sobre Adolescents

Mostrando 141 - 145 de 145 artículos

The last ten years have seen the rise of therapies for young people that focus on family and wider social systems. Choo Yut Shing

DSM’s approach overlooks effective therapies for children

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a classification system for mental disorders produced by the American Psychiatric Association for the past 60 years…
Children who go through puberty early have poorer mental health than their peers. But it’s not a simple case of cause and effect. Image from

Growing up too fast: early puberty and mental illness

Puberty has long been recognised as a transition point in which many emotional and behavioural problems emerge. These include depression and anxiety, substance use and abuse, self-harm and eating disorders…

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