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Artículos sobre Australia

Mostrando 241 - 260 de 640 artículos

Pro-EU protester mocks the Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ‘Australian Deal’ outside the Cabinet Office in London, Britain. Andy Rain/EPA

What are Australian-style and Canadian-style Brexit trade deals?

For the UK to exit the EU on genuine Australian, no-deal or WTO terms, the British government would need to reject the WA/NIP. This now appears unlikely.

The good, the bad and the lonely: how coronavirus changed Australian family life

A new study reveals Australians felt both more connected to immediate family and more distant from others because of restrictions. The financial cost for many families has also been high.
Australia’s dingo fences, built to protect livestock from wild dogs, stretch for thousands of kilometers. Marian Deschain/Wikimedia

Fences have big effects on land and wildlife around the world that are rarely measured

Millions of miles of fences crisscross the Earth’s surface. They divide ecosystems and affect wild species in ways that often are harmful, but are virtually unstudied.

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