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Artículos sobre Charities

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 106 artículos

Australia is becoming more unequal. And Australia’s wealthiest people don’t seem to want to do anything about it. AAP/Joel Carrett

Australia’s rich give little – and a culture of secrecy surrounds their philanthropy

There is a view that philanthropy from super-wealthy individuals, rather than government policy, will be the force that changes the world for the better. But this seems unlikely in Australia.
Isn’t always easy to practice what you preach – even inadvertently. Joe Giddens/PA Wire/PA

Why ethical investing is hard for big charities

Health charities should probably avoid investing in booze – but sometimes it can be hard to tell. So how do charities avoid the pitfalls?
Traditional nonprofits help ensure aid gets to ‘hidden’ populations like the homeless. Reuters

Why the world still needs nonprofits

Giving cash directly to the needy is a growing trend, but in most cases it’s not nearly as effective funneling donations through a charity with ‘boots on the ground.’

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