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Artículos sobre Christmas

Mostrando 441 - 460 de 469 artículos

Getting excited!! Christmas by Shutterstock

Seven ways that chemistry puts the magic into Christmas

From the enticing aroma of the turkey in the oven to the “whoosh’” of the flames as the brandy-soaked pudding comes alight, Christmas is a wonderful time for the senses. But have you ever considered the…
The ugly sisters have long been a staple. mangakamaidenphotography

Is panto what it was when you were a child? Oh, no it isn’t!

Now the pantomime season is well and truly underway, many will have heard a familiar complaint. It’s newfangled, it’s not what it was. What happened to the good old days, when panto didn’t involve 3D glasses…
Much has changed over the past 60 years – including how gay and lesbian Australia celebrates Christmas. Hotlanta Voyeur

Families we choose: an Australian gay and lesbian Christmas

I used to live in Brisbane, where, year after year on the afternoon of Christmas Day, a group of older gay men I knew would meet up in a pub. Spending some of the holiday season catching up with friends…
Fancy something a bit different this year? Caroline Yeldham, courtesy of the Leeds International Medieval Congress

What would you have eaten for Christmas in medieval times?

With Christmas almost upon us, there will be plenty of frenzied present shopping and meal planning. Haven’t made that Christmas cake yet? Fear not. If you were preparing the festive meal 600 years ago…
Giving a gift is a complex transaction. So what makes a gift good? MattysFlicks/Flickr

Give and take: the anxiety of gift giving at Christmas

The anxiety attached to gift giving is worth considering. The Christian commemoration of Christmas is about celebrating God’s ultimate gift, his only son. Such an exceptional gift reaches its destiny in…
Put down the laptop and feel the cheer. Mike McCune

How mindfulness could give you the gift of a calmer Christmas

In the run-up to Christmas we find our to-do lists bloated with added chores: present shopping, card writing, preparing to travel or receive guests. We are bombarded with adverts telling us what to buy…
Welcome to the party: a time for giving. Frank Tasche

Priceless: the inefficient, but merry economics of Christmas

Fingers crossed, we are soon to be inundated with Christmas joy disguised as presents from our family and friends. I received my first card more than a week ago and a present – now sitting under the tree…
During post-war British rationing, Australians ensured the tradition of Christmas puddings survived. Victor Bayon

How Christmas pudding evolved with Australia

In a current TV advertisement for supermarket chain Aldi, a young traveller returns to his northern hemisphere village and shares his newfound knowledge of the Aussie Christmas. The villagers begrudgingly…
We know that social isolation can thrive in the suburbs - so how can we better plan our cities? Scorpions and Centaurs/Flickr

Lonely over Christmas: a snapshot of social isolation in the suburbs

Social isolation and loneliness are becoming common in our large cities. Our cities are sprawling, housing is becoming more unaffordable, people are travelling further and longer in their cars and household…
Do online shop staff do online shopping while at work in their online shopping warehouse? Jakub Kaczmarczyk/EPA

Shopping online at work? Feel free to blame your boss

On Friday we witnessed images reminiscent of the London Riots from a few years ago. People with a crazed look in their eyes descended on shopping malls to plunder their contents. They fought with others…
Good news! Christmas electricity consumption might surprise. Malingering/Flickr

What can we learn from looking at electricity use on Christmas day

On Christmas Day in Australia, fewer people are at their paid employment and more working premises are closed than on any other day in the year. How does this affect demand for electricity, widely seen…
It’s a long way for one man and his reindeer to travel. Jpatokal

Help solve Santa’s logistics troubles with a little maths

In just one night, Santa has to visit millions of homes to deliver presents. If he could travel at the speed of light, the task would be simple. However, Einstein’s formula, E=MC², tells us that anything…
Taking extra care and consideration for those with dementia can make Christmas a much more enjoyable experience for all. brutusfly/flickr

How best to celebrate Christmas with a person with dementia

Christmas can be a stressful time for hosts and guests alike, and it’s more so for carers of people living with dementia.
Toy catalogues relentlessly exploit the notion of educational product purchases as acts of motherly care. EPA/Erik Lesser

Toy catalogues put a Nerf gun to a mother’s head

The rise of intensive mothering has turned parenting into the ultimate ironwoman event. In an age in which the demands of the workplace have increased, so too the ideals of motherhood have become more…

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