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Artículos sobre Contraception

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 103 artículos

Women hold signs as they take part in a demonstration against government plans to ban or limit the practice of abortion in Turkey on 22 June 2012, in Istanbul. Reuters

Debate: When abortion is ‘haram’, women find strategies to claim their rights

Abortion appears to be illegal and clandestine in large parts of the Muslim world. Yet, women continue to challenge the status quo and archaic laws through their daily practices and activism.
Sex-ed can equip and empower young people to make healthy and safe choices about their sexuality for themselves and for others. Simeon Jacobson/Unsplash

Sex-ed is crucial to the rights of children

The notion that religious groups are opposed to sex-ed is simply not true. And our youth need it more than ever to take control over their lives, their bodies and their decisions.
People dressed as sperm cells at Papal Nuncio building in The Hague for the sixth birthday of the encyclical, ‘Humanae Vitae.’ Nationaal Archief

How Catholic women fought against Vatican’s prohibition on contraceptives

On the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, an encyclical released by Pope Paul VI calling for prohibition on contraceptive use, a scholar describes the struggles of Catholic women, as well as their activism.
Women commonly suppress their period around special events and holidays. Haley Phelps

It’s OK to skip your period while on the pill

Women on the pill are able to manipulate or suppress their menstrual cycles to have fewer “periods”, or to avoid bleeding at important or inconvenient times.
In Mozambique, gender-based violence, early marriage and early pregnancy all play a part in compromising the health of mothers and infants. (Nazeem Muhajarine)

New research partnership makes childbirth safer in Mozambique

Mozambique has one of the highest maternal death rates in the world. Researchers hope to reduce this, with an ambitious project aimed at empowering women and girls.
Support programme for basic education in Casamance (Paebca). Academie Sedhiou in Senegal. AFD

Demography and education: allies or enemies?

How to explore the pathways for an objective alliance between demographic dynamics and youth education in sub-Saharan Africa.
Health insurance impacts decisions about contraception, marriage and more. Kamil Macniak/

How Obamacare changed the love lives of young adults

Once young women could access health insurance through their parents, they seemed to make very different decisions about contraception, abortion and marriage.

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