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Artículos sobre COVID-19

Mostrando 661 - 680 de 7973 artículos

Although most medical research is reliable, studies that are flawed or fake can lead to patients undergoing treatments that might cause harm. skynesher/E+ via Getty Images

Fake research can be harmful to your health – a new study offers a tool for rooting it out

A new screening tool to help study reviewers identify what’s fake or shoddy in research may be on the horizon. And everyday people can apply some of the same critical analysis tools.
Nepalese girls rest for observation after receiving the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

War, peace and security: The pandemic’s impact on women and girls in Nepal and Sri Lanka

The impacts of COVID-19 must be incorporated into women, peace and security planning in order to improve the lives of women and girls in postwar countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka.
COVID-19 patients receive oxygen as they lie in their beds in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Machakos, Kenya, in August 2021. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

Enduring colonialism has made it harder to end the COVID-19 pandemic

A major lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is the need to decolonize transnational governance so that the world is better able to handle both future and current global crises.
Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, speaking in Senegal in 2019. Photo by Seyllou/AFP via Getty Images

When the IMF comes to town: why they visit and what to watch out for

The IMF sends its staff on two types of mission to member countries: to assess the state of the country’s macro economy or to assess the need for financial support.

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