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Artículos sobre E-cigarettes

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 122 artículos

Use of e-cigarettes is on the rise by youth. A recent study suggests that cartoons used in advertising the products may be contributing to the increase. Diego Cervo/

E-cig companies use cartoon characters as logos, and new study shows it works

E-cigarettes are unsafe for children, but some e-cig companies are using cartoons, which have been shown to appeal to youth. Should restrictions be in place, as they are for traditional cigarettes?
The evidence shows that vaping is creating a generation of nicotine-addicted youth, who start with e-cigarettes and move on to smoke tobacco products. (Unsplash/Andrew Haimerl)

Vaping is an urgent threat to public health

Vaping devices were designed as a clean way of delivering nicotine, to help people stop smoking tobacco. Now, with gummy bear flavours and celebrity endorsements, they are a serious public health problem.
A discarded Juul on the floor of a San Francisco streetcar March 20, 2018. Julia McQuoid

E-cigarettes and a new threat: How to dispose of them

E-cigarettes are hotly debated because of the uncertainty of whether they are a gateway to cigarette smoking for teens, or an aid to smoking cessation. One thing is clear: They are not biodegradable.
South Africa was a leader in tobacco control but has not updated its policies adequately. Shutterstock

How South Africa is tightening its tobacco rules

South Africa’s proposed new tobacco laws will tighten the grip on how cigarettes and other tobacco products are sold, marketed and regulated in the country.
A man smokes an electronic cigarette in Chicago in this 2014 photo. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Why the e-cigarette industry needs global regulations

The e-cigarette industry emerged as an alternative to traditional tobacco, but now it’s dominated by Big Tobacco. That’s why transnational regulations are needed for the industry.
Immediate cash incentives have been shown to be more effective in helping people quit, and cost us less in the long-run. Sajjad Zabihi/Unsplash

Why we should pay people to stop smoking

Studies have found paying people to quit is more effective than other methods, so why are we not considering it in Australia?

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