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Artículos sobre Federal Court

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 41 artículos

The government seems not to have sought independent legal advice before demanding the repayment of debts it couldn’t prove were owned. Shutterstock

Robodebt failed its day in court, what now?

The Commonwealth has conceded that its program of automatic debt collection was unlawful. It’ll probably have to pay the money back.
Supporters and opponents of marriage equality demonstrating in front of the Supreme Court. Reuters/Joshua Roberts

Are you suddenly interested in the Supreme Court? You’re not alone

Americans have rediscovered the Supreme Court, as they do periodically when it’s at the center of controversy. With a president who attacks the legitimacy of courts, will their attention be benign?
The decision is a win for 69-year-old Queensland breast cancer survivor Yvonne D'Arcy. Dan Peled/AAP

High Court rules breast cancer gene cannot be patented

Australia’s highest court has ruled a gene mutation linked to cancer cannot be patented, ending a long battle over whether companies can own the rights to genetic material.
Challenges to the patents for BRCA mutation tests in Australia and the United States resulted in opposing conclusions. Christiana Care/Flickr

Gene patents may sound scary but soon they may no longer matter

Recent cases in Australia and the United States and a new case in Canada show how controversial the subject of gene patents is. But technological advances and the cost of patenting may soon mean gene patents…
New laws need to strike a balance between justice and prompting an influx of litigation. AAP

Tort wars: class actions set to increase as laws wind back

In the early to mid-2000s governments throughout Australia introduced reforms restricting rights to claim for negligence. The tort of negligence and other statutory causes of action, including the prohibition…
The case was brought on behalf of cancer survivor Yvonne D'Arcy. DAN PELED/AAP

Australian federal court upholds gene patents

A Federal Court decision to allow gene patents could open the way for existing patents to be enforced more strongly in Australia, according to an expert in intellectual property. Biotechnology companies…
In Australia, forensic evidence is coming under increasing scrutiny. Andrea Hayward/AAP

The CSI effect: are jurors starstruck by forensic evidence?

FORENSICS AUSTRALIA – Jurors without technical training are frequently required to consider complex forensic evidence. It’s not just a matter of understanding the forensic evidence: in the case of “opposing…

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