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Artículos sobre Gender bias

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 194 artículos

One study found women twice as likely to be chosen for tenure-track STEM jobs. White coats image via

Some good news about hiring women in STEM doesn’t erase sex bias issue

Figuring out points along the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math pipeline where women are doing ok can help focus efforts to improve sex ratios where they can make a difference.
Quotas do get more women in senior management, so why is the concept distrusted? Image sourced from

Quotas on the nose: that’s the view from male Australian CEOs

Tuesday’s Australian Financial Review Chanticleer survey of 33 largely male “captains of industry” reveals that quotas to improve the numbers of women in senior management positions are still overwhelmingly…
There are ‘his’ and ‘hers’ apps for raising a baby. NotarYES/Shutterstock

Many parenting apps are reinforcing the gender divide

Almost every day, a smartphone app emerges offering some new and exciting functionality. But it’s come to my attention that many of these apps are continuing an old trend: they are purveyors of gender-based…
Biases can often be unconscious. Image sourced from

Unconscious bias and its impact on the gender salary gap

Chief executives who don’t care about the gender pay gap or believe that closing it will only increase costs, might want to consider some of the benefits of audits and strategies for identifying and closing…
Most multinationals still struggle with gender equality. Rawpixel image via Shutterstock

Can L'Oréal edge way forward for gender equality?

The US division of L’Oréal has recently gained a new gender equality certification. The Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) certification is a way that companies can “prove” their credentials…
Women can help deal with a shortfall of people in ICT industries. Flickr/European Parliament

C'mon girls, let’s program a better tech industry

Twitter is the latest tech company to reveal figures showing women are still underrepresented in the information and communication technology (ICT) workforce. Men make up 70% of the overall staff and women…
Female university graduates earn less than their male counterparts, and the gap will only widen as they progress through the workforce. AAP

Male graduates earn more than female graduates: study

Male university graduates earn more than their female counterparts and the pay gap will likely increase with the more time spent in the workforce, according to new research. A study by Graduate Careers…
Current claims that women hold themselves back through under-confidence aren’t really borne out in research. Image sourced from

Gap or trap? Confidence backlash is the real problem for women

Women continue to earn substantially less than men and occupy a comparatively smaller proportion of upper management positions. A new book, The Confidence Code, largely attributes this to women’s lower…
A modern rarity. Tulane Public Relations

No more excuses for the lack of women experts on air

Executives from four major news providers – BBC, ITN, Channel 4 and Sky – have pledged to try to improve the number of women interviewed as experts on their programmes; and this summer will be the test…
Julia Gillard and Helen Clark supposedly suffered from a problem with their leadership style - and so, it seems, does every other woman in a position of power. AAP/David Foote

Sex and power in New Zealand: stalled at the crossroads?

Historically, geographically, culturally – there are many points of comparison between Australia and its neighbour to the east, New Zealand. But there are notable differences. This week, The Conversation…
Female barristers have had to challenge the male-dominated professional norms of the Bar. AAP/Gillian Ballard

Australian women must hold their nerve until justice is served

Australian men and women in relatively equal numbers obtain undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in political science, law, medicine, business and economics. There is no shortage of women academics…

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