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Artículos sobre Health workers

Mostrando 21 - 33 de 33 artículos

The links between people, animals and the environment call for a new approach to health. Shutterstock

Rwanda is training health workers for an interconnected world

The interdependency between humans, animals and the environment is becoming more pronounced. This calls for an interdisciplinary approach to health problems.
During high-stress deadly epidemics, even well-trained responders can get caught up in behaviors that are more harmful than helpful. AP Photo/Olivier Matthys

When Ebola and other epidemics strike, a dysfunctional ‘outbreak culture’ hinders adequate response

The high stress conditions of an outbreak can spread a dysfunctional culture among those working to fight it. A survey after the 2015 Ebola epidemic quantified the issue – and suggests a better way.
Corruption in the health sector in Nigeria takes many forms. RTI International/Ruth McDowall

Corruption in the Nigerian health sector has many faces. How to fix it

Corruption in Nigeria’s health sector can be eliminated by the implementation of a few simple strategies.
Staying alert and safe on the night shift not only affects workers’ health, but the health and safety of the people around them. from

Power naps and meals don’t always help shift workers make it through the night

Taking a power nap on a night shift can leave you feeling groggy. And eating a large meal can reduce your alertness. So, what’s a tired shift worker to do to make it through the night?
Frontline workers need to be engaged in the process of building responsive, interconnected health systems. Reuters

Only a bottom-up approach will deliver global health development targets

The millennium development goals were laudable but the approach to achieving them was flawed. An integrated, bottom-up approach is needed if the sustainable development goals are to be met by 2030.
A woman extension worker employed by the Afar Pastoralist Development Association. Some health extension workers are separated from their families and some are unable to move. Kate Holt/Anglican Overseas Aid

Ethiopia has cracked the problem of rural health, but its workers feel stuck

In Ethiopia health extension workers in rural areas fulfill an essential service - but they feel they have no career path.

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