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Artículos sobre Jobs

Mostrando 441 - 454 de 454 artículos

Unemployment is expected to rise in 2014, and some suburbs of Australia will be harder hit than others. eliduke/Flickr

Unemployment … coming to a suburb near you

Australians are heading into 2014 with job vacancies falling, and Australian Treasury forecasts and monthly labour force data all pointing to rising levels of unemployment in the year ahead. Some local…

Do you Facebook-screen potential employees?

Screening applicants using social media platforms is commonplace when recruiting new staff. But this could be seen as a breach…
China recognises environmental protection is good for the economy, and has gone all out to fund it. Dainis Matisons

Environmental protection industry a job creator

A very different approach is emerging between Australia and China’s treatment of jobs and industries providing goods and services for environmental protection. In Australia, major investors are reported…
So much for green shoots. Lynne Cameron/PA

Should we really be boasting about the British jobs market?

The UK labour market has done much better than expected since the start of the recession. Although we are suffering the worst recovery for over a century – national income has shrunk by almost 3% since…
Labor’s jobs package provides its future direction for industry for the first time; but can it deliver, and more importantly, will it survive political opposition? AAP

Planning for a blue-collar Australia: will Labor’s job package deliver?

Labor has finally delivered the detail of its much-awaited vision for shaping Australian industry beyond the mining boom. But will it deliver? In a two part series, UWA Professor Tim Mazzarol examines…
How much should CEOs get paid? Job evaluation systems may provide an answer. AAP

What is work worth? Taking a systematic approach to remuneration

Are CEOs worth their massive remuneration packages, or is there too much cash in the corner office? Executive pay has been in the spotlight in recent weeks amid a lacklustre reporting season for some of…
Students walk through the grounds at the Australian National University. AAP/Alan Porritt

ANU prepares to slash up to 150 jobs

The Australian National University is preparing to cut up to 150 staff as it looks for ways to save $40 million, and protect the university from declining investment returns and increasing capital investment…

What’s in a name? Everything

People with a name that is easy to pronounce are more likely to be offered promotions and rise through the professional and…

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