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Artículos sobre Milk

Mostrando 81 - 85 de 85 artículos

Chilli might make it seem as though your face is on fire – so why is milk so soothing? Andrés Nieto Porras

Explainer: why chilli burns, and milk helps soothe the pain

Whether it’s a few flakes on a pizza or the spiciest vindaloo known to humankind, most people can tolerate or even enjoy the tingling, burning sensation chilli can bring. So how does chilli deliver its…
Your mum was right: it’s good for you to eat your veggies. Yet a recent survey found one in four Australians ate none in a typical day. shashinjutsu/Flickr

Healthy diet, healthier planet

The way we currently produce food around the world contributes up to 20-30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for 70% of all human water use. But is it possible to eat well and take…
Chinese demand for cheese has intensified, creating a boom for Australian producers. But international manufacturers have become interested, and want a slice. EPA/Jens Buettner

After wine, Chinese consumers want a slice of cheese

When I heard that Asia, and particularly China, started to show interest in cheese, I automatically assumed that the French would be leading the race of cheese exports to the region. How wrong I was. Australian…
Coles’ ten-year deal with farmers’ cooperative Murray Goulburn will have significant consequences for the dairy industry. Image from

Coles’ milk deal gives supermarket suppliers a reason to be sour

Earlier this month, Coles and Murray Goulburn announced a ten-year deal that is likely to have significant consequences for the dairy industry, as well as Australia’s grocery sector more broadly. Starting…
Fresh, raw soy milk and fresh, raw animal milk are very different foods. Timothy Valentine

Soy versus dairy: which milk is better for you?

There are good reasons why people may want to swap soy with dairy milk. The carbon, water and phosphate footprint of soy milk is a fraction of the latter. But the main reason for the increasing popularity…

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